So I used to hang out with this guy from time to time, not really a good friend or anything, an acquaintance. He kinda got under my skin a little bit a year or so ago. I had some people over to watch a Tyson fight, and this fucker brings some dickhead with him who I later found out was making some of the girls less than comfy. Then before leaving he says to me "you have really nice tendons." Whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean! I told this acquaintance not to bring people to my house again...Strike 1. A few weeks later, I have some people over (a few cousins and some friends) Everyone's drinkin havin a good time and I see that the liquor is getting low and decide to run to the store and get some stuff to bbq and booz. This acquaintance comes with my cousin and I, we leave the store and he says "Hey don't worry 'bout goin to the liquor store I have another bottle of Captain in my trunk." Alright cool, I think, get back to my house get the booz from his trunk, finish the bbq. About an hour has passed and he decides to go home so he takes his bottle with him (the last of the liquor at the house) Needles to say, I was pretty aggravated. Strike 2. and fuck givin him a third strike, at that point I might bust his fukin chops. So I decide to write him off as too disrespectful for my company. This retard keeps calling my phone to no avail for like a year!! I didn't take any of his calls, neither was he invited over ever again. So now about a year has passed and this idiot show's up at my house yesterday! What fukin nerve. Says He hadn't heard from me in a while so he thought he'd stop by and see how I was doin. I open the door see that it's him, close the door behind me and immediately walk him back to my driveway to his car telling him, "I'm not really in the mood for people right now, you should take off." Shouldn’t that be enough of a hint. Am I being too nice?
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