For those on here who follow me or occasionally check up on me. I thought I'd let you know that I've been in the hospital for 21 days now. On 24 December I wrecked my bike pretty good. I've got 10 breaks in my pelvis, 2 in my back, a double hip replacement, a halo holding all that together, and I degloved my right lower...
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Oh my goodness, wishing you a speedy recovery

I fail to understand how there are SG hopefuls with 10-20k likes on 5-10 sets, and some girls go pink on there first set with 2500 likes. Something seems off in the selection process to me.

I feel it has to do with who they shoot their set, and if it's a staff even if the girl has never been active, members tend to give them more likes... for me it's hard to understand why a girl who hasn't even made a single blog can go pink...

I'm very grateful for the models/photographers who reply when messaged. I've been a member of SG since '04, under this account and one other. In fourteen years, I've messaged a handful of people. Very few models (<5) have replied, and only one photographer.

So again, thank you for taking the time to read and reply to my questions. I genuinely appreciate it.


Have any of you following me ever given or received a "not for me" vote on a set? I think its in poor taste. But damn, sometimes I wanna say, "Bitch thats not a sexy face, thats a constipated face".