HEXE, the hottest limbo girl rules the world, and she knows why.
big thanks to her!
alright so i have a dilemma, on monday at the show i met that nice young lady bonnie, she's short, cute as hell, tough, and very nice. bad part is i'm VERY married. i am so bad for even thinking these thoughts... i know i should just forget about her!!!!!!! i guess that they wouldn't call it temptation if it wasn't tempting.
do all of you guys go thru this too? i never met many peolpe till i was married and now everytime i go out i get a number from a girl, yup go figure.
my wife rocks and i'm an ass for even thinking this.
anyhow on to my weekend questions for all of you:
1. who are your fav sg's on your page and why.
2. who is your fav limbo girl.
3. hottest member (not limbo) you know.
have a great weekend and do something dirty!

alright so i have a dilemma, on monday at the show i met that nice young lady bonnie, she's short, cute as hell, tough, and very nice. bad part is i'm VERY married. i am so bad for even thinking these thoughts... i know i should just forget about her!!!!!!! i guess that they wouldn't call it temptation if it wasn't tempting.

my wife rocks and i'm an ass for even thinking this.
anyhow on to my weekend questions for all of you:
1. who are your fav sg's on your page and why.
2. who is your fav limbo girl.
3. hottest member (not limbo) you know.
have a great weekend and do something dirty!
2. Hexe rules the earth.
3. It has to be Granny, or FleurDeGuerre. They're both as gorgeous as each other.
hope you're weekend was good dude, get up to anything bad?