I had a birthday on May 12th.Now I'm 20 years old. And that day came my first set IN GAME by TALLICA. I am very happy. This is a great birthday gift. I hope you also like my first set)))))))

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You are beautiful in your debut set!
Your set is amazing. You will definitely be pink soon.

sonic is my lovely SG.

She is a delightful girl, model and make-up artist!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at her set!!!!!!!!!!!

@sonic is beaturiful, but so are you!  Amazing set.  Is American football played in Russia?  Are you looking forward to the World Cup?

3 months before my debut set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So exating! Don't miss it!


Today I want to tell you about my friends, who have their sets at MR right now!

@elliemouse have her debut set by @natalia_randle and it's amazing! You can see --------- > LET START TO TRAIN MY BODY

@doga also have new set by @natalia_randle ! With the real punk rock mood! -------------> BACKYARD BABY

And @heys of course! Her debut set by @tallica you
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Thank you, my sweet!!! I can't wait to see your debut set!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️