sooooooooooooooo, i have to go back to classes tomorrow.
i am not thrilled about that. me and the first day of classes never really get along too well. i have no books and i have one notebook in which i will put all information that i recieve.
i have to take spanish...i hate spanish...i suck at spanish, however, if i wish to graduate in the spring, which, believe me, i do, i must take this quarter and next quarter of spanish...someone just shoot me now...or bribe my professor.
do/did your parents ever do things that just rain on your parade? i was talking to my mom about how, ya know, i'm going to have to graduate and get a real job, but what i really want to do is someday own my own record label and then have my own venue to showcase bands and things...cause, really, the only thing that i like to do is work with bands and go to shows and blah blah why shouldn't i make it my job? huh? so she says something to me about how she doesn't understand why i would want to devote myself to bands when they are mostly "druggies" and won't get past being local bands....sometimes she just pisses me off. some of my best friends are in bands and on occasion, i've been known to date a's rather narrowminded of her to say stuff like that. but what the fuck ever.......
again, i hope that everyone had a safe and festive new year!
tell me stories of your new years escapades.....woowee!
"Tears drip, cause a quiver in your lip
When I remember the people that I've left behind
Tears drip, cause a quiver in your lip
When I remember the reason that I'm still alive"
i am not thrilled about that. me and the first day of classes never really get along too well. i have no books and i have one notebook in which i will put all information that i recieve.
i have to take spanish...i hate spanish...i suck at spanish, however, if i wish to graduate in the spring, which, believe me, i do, i must take this quarter and next quarter of spanish...someone just shoot me now...or bribe my professor.
do/did your parents ever do things that just rain on your parade? i was talking to my mom about how, ya know, i'm going to have to graduate and get a real job, but what i really want to do is someday own my own record label and then have my own venue to showcase bands and things...cause, really, the only thing that i like to do is work with bands and go to shows and blah blah why shouldn't i make it my job? huh? so she says something to me about how she doesn't understand why i would want to devote myself to bands when they are mostly "druggies" and won't get past being local bands....sometimes she just pisses me off. some of my best friends are in bands and on occasion, i've been known to date a's rather narrowminded of her to say stuff like that. but what the fuck ever.......
again, i hope that everyone had a safe and festive new year!
tell me stories of your new years escapades.....woowee!
"Tears drip, cause a quiver in your lip
When I remember the people that I've left behind
Tears drip, cause a quiver in your lip
When I remember the reason that I'm still alive"
I loved "On the Road" by JK. He is one of my fav's. Hope you enjoy it and got as much out of it as I did.
GOOD LUCK with school, YUCK
Yep I think once you become a parent you must loose the ability to dream and there for must take it out on your child. I think there mantra is " If my life sucks so must yours !". There are a few parents I'm sure who arn't this way. But they are few and far between! All I can say is if you are ever gonna have kids, learn from your parents mistakes!
My fav quote from a film is " Don't dream it be it " from rock horror pic show. Go for it make your dreams a reality!
I hope we all get up to much mischief this new year!
And when i do I'll be sure to let you know about it.
Much love,
"i am getting ready to send in my first photoset" - yay! i can't wait to see it!