HOLD ME...........................responsible!
ha...i'm bored and really wanted to update! nothing super interesting is going on right now..............
my timlet should be out of rehab on monday...wow, i miss that kid something awful!
tell me a story

ha...i'm bored and really wanted to update! nothing super interesting is going on right now..............
my timlet should be out of rehab on monday...wow, i miss that kid something awful!
tell me a story

Thanks for that, the weekend was really good i'm feeling better just have to get through the funeral. I didnt get a basket of kittens but i did get a really sweet teddy bear so that made up for it

Ahhh, uneventful days...don't they rock? I just realized the other day (while in the shower..ironically enough) that by the time I die ( NEVER!!!lol) I will have spent about two years in the shower...damn, if that isn't boredom I have no idea what is! Well, live it up doll!