i am feeling a little "iffy" tonight....having the entire day off gave me waaaay too much free time to sit and think about things...plus, my ava is sick and things are not going too good for her right now which makes me sad as well!
i went to band practice tonight, as i usually do on wednesday's....afterwards, we generally all go hang out and i get to spend time with bender, which is good, because i don't see him all that often...only today, everyone sort of went their seperate ways, so i didn't get to really spent time with him. i mean, i got to see him, but he was playing....meh! i don't think that we're really going to get to do anything this weekend either--although he isn't aware of that yet--which made hanging out today sort of the one shot for the week. L3FT is playing a battle of the bands (local stuff rumble sponsered by 99.7 the blitz) on sunday night but that is another band related situation where he is the "rock boy" and i don't really get to spend time with him...blah! next weekend, we're (l3ft and company) are going to spend the weekend in indy, but that is again a band related outing, so won't be all that good....this whole thing has sort of soured my mood!
on the plus side, i stopped at CVS tonight to buy some stuff i needed and i found wet&wild eye liner in this really cool blue color plus the black that i was out of...that made me smile. i yearn for wet&wild hot pink eye liner and hot pink eye shadow that is worth a damn...
....do you ever just sit back and think about the people in your life and how important they really are to you? like, who is valuable and who is expendable? who do you really need to have around you? who do you need to be a part of your life? so yah, as you might have guessed, i have been thinking about it.....don't know what conclusions, if any, i ahve reached, but i've been thinking none the less...
my little timlet is in detox right now...i miss him something awful. we generally don't see each other that often, but that one phonecall every week evidently really made a difference. i am wildly happy that he is making a good choice and getting his life in order before he ended up killing himself, but i miss him none the less. stan gave me some of his stuff that he left in the tent at woodshock so it just reminded me that i haven't seen him and i miss him....
i'm going to bed...i'm sleepy and stuff.....

i went to band practice tonight, as i usually do on wednesday's....afterwards, we generally all go hang out and i get to spend time with bender, which is good, because i don't see him all that often...only today, everyone sort of went their seperate ways, so i didn't get to really spent time with him. i mean, i got to see him, but he was playing....meh! i don't think that we're really going to get to do anything this weekend either--although he isn't aware of that yet--which made hanging out today sort of the one shot for the week. L3FT is playing a battle of the bands (local stuff rumble sponsered by 99.7 the blitz) on sunday night but that is another band related situation where he is the "rock boy" and i don't really get to spend time with him...blah! next weekend, we're (l3ft and company) are going to spend the weekend in indy, but that is again a band related outing, so won't be all that good....this whole thing has sort of soured my mood!
on the plus side, i stopped at CVS tonight to buy some stuff i needed and i found wet&wild eye liner in this really cool blue color plus the black that i was out of...that made me smile. i yearn for wet&wild hot pink eye liner and hot pink eye shadow that is worth a damn...
....do you ever just sit back and think about the people in your life and how important they really are to you? like, who is valuable and who is expendable? who do you really need to have around you? who do you need to be a part of your life? so yah, as you might have guessed, i have been thinking about it.....don't know what conclusions, if any, i ahve reached, but i've been thinking none the less...
my little timlet is in detox right now...i miss him something awful. we generally don't see each other that often, but that one phonecall every week evidently really made a difference. i am wildly happy that he is making a good choice and getting his life in order before he ended up killing himself, but i miss him none the less. stan gave me some of his stuff that he left in the tent at woodshock so it just reminded me that i haven't seen him and i miss him....
i'm going to bed...i'm sleepy and stuff.....
Yeah I dont have that many people in my life anyway so Ive tended to hang onto the ones that mean a lot to me and the others have drifted off. Guess that happens naturally as you get older..and Im very old!
There's a difference between could and should and want though... never forget that.