i had a good good good weekend! i don't want the week to start up again!!!
although, i don't have to work today, i am feeling a little headachy and stuffed up, which sucks! i want to go back to it being the weekend when i didn't feel so crappy. ava and i were going to go to marion today and visit the tattoo man, but i feel icky so we're not going...that makes me sad as well. i think we're going to shoot for wednesday to go, so that will be coolness....
friday night, i went up to ava's and she and i and finnigan and a bunch of our friends that i never get to see due to my persistant absentism sat around and hung out and watched "bad santa" god that movie was funny and disturbing all at the same time....ava made stirfry too...she's so domestic *giggle*
saturday i worked
but then i went up to reynoldsburg for a local music showcase featuring L3FT, 6 Blank Stares and Legbone! I got to meet punknitemike and whatshisnuts. unfortubatly, i was in a.d.d. mode on saturday so i didn't stick around one place to talk to anyone for too long. it was a good show though...6 blank really dissapointed me though because their vocal mikes didn't get turned up nearly loud enough (*matt from 6 blank is my perfect man, i have decided...it was weird because i am pretty sure that i spend more time talking to him than i did with bender....matt lives a mile away from me too, for christ's sake....i don't know why i've never really tried to date him because i've had a crush on him forever....i think it might be because he is so much what i want that i'm scared if i spent more time with him, i'd find out he was a dissapointment and not what i thought....plus, i'm really really digging on bender and i don't want to risk messing that up for something that might not even work out*) l3ft played really well, but they had to cut short because stan fucked up his arm again! i think that punknitemike and whatshisnuts were digging it though, which is cool!!!
sunday was another relaxing/lazy day at bender's! i watched a looooot of tv, which in a way makes me a l ittle sad for myself...although, the grimm adventures of billy and mandy were on, so i got to watch that....val made good good dinner with cheesy potatos and grilled chicked...god, i love that woman. we went and saw resident evil...it was pretty good, although not what i wanted it to be...i enjoyed it though....i hate sunday nights because i've generally been at bender's all weekend and get all comfy and happy with having him around and then i have to leave and know i won't get to see him for a while.....
although, i don't have to work today, i am feeling a little headachy and stuffed up, which sucks! i want to go back to it being the weekend when i didn't feel so crappy. ava and i were going to go to marion today and visit the tattoo man, but i feel icky so we're not going...that makes me sad as well. i think we're going to shoot for wednesday to go, so that will be coolness....
friday night, i went up to ava's and she and i and finnigan and a bunch of our friends that i never get to see due to my persistant absentism sat around and hung out and watched "bad santa" god that movie was funny and disturbing all at the same time....ava made stirfry too...she's so domestic *giggle*
saturday i worked

sunday was another relaxing/lazy day at bender's! i watched a looooot of tv, which in a way makes me a l ittle sad for myself...although, the grimm adventures of billy and mandy were on, so i got to watch that....val made good good dinner with cheesy potatos and grilled chicked...god, i love that woman. we went and saw resident evil...it was pretty good, although not what i wanted it to be...i enjoyed it though....i hate sunday nights because i've generally been at bender's all weekend and get all comfy and happy with having him around and then i have to leave and know i won't get to see him for a while.....

i want a giant hamster mansion! then my life will finally be complete...Muhahahahah!