My friend Christie just submitted photos to be a SG and she got an email back from Missy saying she was accepted! I'm 'cited for her. My pal Jody got accepted too....I really really want to do SG, and have for a really long's gonna be an adventure!
Went to the Living End last week...Chris Chenny is fantastic...they are fantastic. THere was hardly anyone there and we were about two people from the front...i
live music!
Went to the Living End last week...Chris Chenny is fantastic...they are fantastic. THere was hardly anyone there and we were about two people from the front...i

I guess the only thing to do, is apply and see what happens... if you do nothing, nothing will happen... but if you do something, something could happen.
Yes. Definitely go for it. I know of more than one girl in this community who have tried out and been rejected. Yeah, it sucks, but like that fellow above me said, if you don't even try, you're definitely not getting in. I'm sure I had another point too, but I don't know now.