pink party pictures!
sometimes i like to take a series of pictures of myself, so you can get the full effect, without actually being there.
plus, i really liked my boobs that day. they looked pretty sweet.
also, my super cute girlfriend

sometimes i like to take a series of pictures of myself, so you can get the full effect, without actually being there.
plus, i really liked my boobs that day. they looked pretty sweet.
also, my super cute girlfriend

so i just finished my web registration for classes spring quarter!!!!!!!!! yay yay yay!
in march, i'm moving in with ryan and roommates.
my parents are going to try to help out with my first quarter of school and with the cost of breaking my lease.
the weather was actually nice today. i wore flip flops to work today.
life right now = good!
congrats on going back to school.
soon we will hang out.