why isn't health care or heath insurance more affordable? i mean, all through primary elections, i heard a lot about affordable health care, but all the planning in the world isn't going to help me right now.
i don't know if i am just really stressed or if i'm having an allergic reaction to something, but my hands are wicked swollen---to the point where it hurts to bend them too far. i'm not even twenty-five. i shoudn't have to deal with all of this medical bullshit. it seems like i am at least a little bit sick all the time and my present job does not afford me health insurance
so, yeah, that's my little bitch fest for the day.
i think that i'm starting to be a total slacker as a friend. i see the same group of people consistantly and i spend almost every night with ryan but anyone that is not associated with that household has sort of fallen to the wayside. i don't want it to be that way. i make plans or have ideas to go out and do things but then i'll lay down in bed beside ryan and all my hopes of going anywhere or doing anything are done. i don't really want to be this girl but at the same time, once i'm there i don't really want to be anywhere else.
complications....and such....
i don't know if i am just really stressed or if i'm having an allergic reaction to something, but my hands are wicked swollen---to the point where it hurts to bend them too far. i'm not even twenty-five. i shoudn't have to deal with all of this medical bullshit. it seems like i am at least a little bit sick all the time and my present job does not afford me health insurance
so, yeah, that's my little bitch fest for the day.
i think that i'm starting to be a total slacker as a friend. i see the same group of people consistantly and i spend almost every night with ryan but anyone that is not associated with that household has sort of fallen to the wayside. i don't want it to be that way. i make plans or have ideas to go out and do things but then i'll lay down in bed beside ryan and all my hopes of going anywhere or doing anything are done. i don't really want to be this girl but at the same time, once i'm there i don't really want to be anywhere else.
complications....and such....
Sounds like Ryan is a good replacement for the rest of us.

Sounds nasty, hope you get better.