tights, trousers, 2 pairs of socks, slippers, vest, top, hoody, fleece, wooly hat, blanket.
big victorian property does not fair well in this cold spell we're having. i have my back to the radiator and endless cups of tea on the go, yet still my feet are numb. brr!
on wednesday night i went to pick up my best friend/ boy friend from our hometown. we effectively share my car when we're away from home, it keeps my insurance down and is convenient for our needs. the original plan was to pick him up at 19:00, so i was going to leave at about 18:10 as its a good 40 minute journey. he calls at 17:00 to advise that i should leave sooner rather than later, as the snow was beginning to fall much harder in our hometown. i wasn't worried, a couple of inches of snow aren't going to stop my erratic driving. nevertheless, i left a bit earlier.
bless him for calling
unfortunately i didn't hear my phone ring 15 minutes later to warn me not to come because the roads were blocked off. unfortunately i turn the radio up loudly so i can sing energetically whilst i drive
17:40 and i'm about three miles out of town. i'm on a fairly large A road, doing my best to drive. most people are doing 20 mph. some idiots did 30 mph and wiggled across the lanes and occasionally into the central reservation. i turn a corner, and the traffic grounds to a halt.
it took me 5 and half hours to drive the remaining three miles. thankfully i had taken some sandwiches with me (always worth being prepared for a boy who might be hungry) and thankfully my flashing petrol guage struggled me to the nearest station. a mini adventure (i can see the funny side now i've been promised a massage and free dinner
snow had made thursday and friday quite unproductive, but sometimes i need to be forced to sit down and rest. this hasn't been a cracking start to the new year, but i don't see why change needs to happen on a particular date. the next week's objectives:
*haircut and colour (blonde is looking rubbish, so perhaps something darker....)
*hand in notice at old gym
*check out the new gym and sign up
*call estate agent to come around and talk about problems/ resigning contract
*advertise for new flatmate
*find some cheap second hand furniture
*get back to work
big victorian property does not fair well in this cold spell we're having. i have my back to the radiator and endless cups of tea on the go, yet still my feet are numb. brr!

on wednesday night i went to pick up my best friend/ boy friend from our hometown. we effectively share my car when we're away from home, it keeps my insurance down and is convenient for our needs. the original plan was to pick him up at 19:00, so i was going to leave at about 18:10 as its a good 40 minute journey. he calls at 17:00 to advise that i should leave sooner rather than later, as the snow was beginning to fall much harder in our hometown. i wasn't worried, a couple of inches of snow aren't going to stop my erratic driving. nevertheless, i left a bit earlier.
bless him for calling

17:40 and i'm about three miles out of town. i'm on a fairly large A road, doing my best to drive. most people are doing 20 mph. some idiots did 30 mph and wiggled across the lanes and occasionally into the central reservation. i turn a corner, and the traffic grounds to a halt.
it took me 5 and half hours to drive the remaining three miles. thankfully i had taken some sandwiches with me (always worth being prepared for a boy who might be hungry) and thankfully my flashing petrol guage struggled me to the nearest station. a mini adventure (i can see the funny side now i've been promised a massage and free dinner

snow had made thursday and friday quite unproductive, but sometimes i need to be forced to sit down and rest. this hasn't been a cracking start to the new year, but i don't see why change needs to happen on a particular date. the next week's objectives:
*haircut and colour (blonde is looking rubbish, so perhaps something darker....)
*hand in notice at old gym
*check out the new gym and sign up
*call estate agent to come around and talk about problems/ resigning contract
*advertise for new flatmate
*find some cheap second hand furniture
*get back to work
I could teach you drive in the snow...... (it's actually just practice, practice, practice....) but it wouldn't help the rest of the pepople on the road. I am gald to hear you made it safely and have the promise of a massage in the future.....