Flatmate 1 and 2 have been away all weekend with their boyfriends, which left me in my own company for two days and three nights. Besides getting drunk and watching films until 3 in the morning, I found my idle thumbs to be quite productive.

No more frantic hunting for the other earring in the morning....

and I drew a map, to help me come up with ideas for where we could programme events at our festival next year.
The quiet time also made me lapse into one of those reflective, musing states where i forget to talk to anyone, and become voluntarily deaf to anyone around me- which didn't prove particularly useful at work today.
Nonetheless, a productive day. I feel like I'm making some teeny tiny steps of improvement with the girl I line manage, and I got lots of things shifted off my desk which is always a good feeling.
This evening at my horticulture course we were learning about pests and weed killers, which I sadly found quite interesting, if only for the arguments for and against organic gardening. As every week after class we trooped out to the greenhouse to identify plants. The course I'm doing will only accept us using the full latin names, and I struggle to remember them... I make rhymes in my head to help me, but tonight when my tutor picked on me I blurted 'Strapyourcarcass' instead of 'Streptocarpus', which was slightly unfortunate.
I really enjoy the course, but it's very theory based at the moment, and I need to be doing practical things for it to sink in. I might need to start getting around to some of those winter tasks to help me understand what I'm learning...
On another note, my ear hurts because I finally got around to getting a new piercing at the weekend. I know I've already posted it, and it's not very interesting (whereas my pin board of jewellery has you enthralled), but yay for my conch piercing!

Tuesday awaits....

No more frantic hunting for the other earring in the morning....

and I drew a map, to help me come up with ideas for where we could programme events at our festival next year.
The quiet time also made me lapse into one of those reflective, musing states where i forget to talk to anyone, and become voluntarily deaf to anyone around me- which didn't prove particularly useful at work today.
Nonetheless, a productive day. I feel like I'm making some teeny tiny steps of improvement with the girl I line manage, and I got lots of things shifted off my desk which is always a good feeling.
This evening at my horticulture course we were learning about pests and weed killers, which I sadly found quite interesting, if only for the arguments for and against organic gardening. As every week after class we trooped out to the greenhouse to identify plants. The course I'm doing will only accept us using the full latin names, and I struggle to remember them... I make rhymes in my head to help me, but tonight when my tutor picked on me I blurted 'Strapyourcarcass' instead of 'Streptocarpus', which was slightly unfortunate.

On another note, my ear hurts because I finally got around to getting a new piercing at the weekend. I know I've already posted it, and it's not very interesting (whereas my pin board of jewellery has you enthralled), but yay for my conch piercing!

Tuesday awaits....
The piercing looks painful. I doon't think I could have survived that!!!!!!!! (and the jewelry pin board..... I dig the organizational skills......good stuff!
Actually, I went to see biffy the other week at rock city. They were awesome, but maybe not as awesome as last time I saw them there. I wonder if maybe they're doing too many gigs...
Oh, so how do you feel about the organic thing then? I'm quite pro-modern farming, GM, and biotech, but i think we have loads to learn from organics, and i love the ingenuity of both camps