I am at work bored out of my freaking mind with my pal duncan... We're surfing SG and drooling way too much
Im gonna rip my freaking nose ring out if this keiloid doesnt fall off soon arrrggg
i think i have a cool week coming up, i might go out tomoro night with some friends to a cool club and then i may go to the london guitar show this weekend followed by Southamptons Metal night |m/ ROOOCCCKKK right better go and clean something else on the bar...shit im bored TALK TO ME hehehe

i think i have a cool week coming up, i might go out tomoro night with some friends to a cool club and then i may go to the london guitar show this weekend followed by Southamptons Metal night |m/ ROOOCCCKKK right better go and clean something else on the bar...shit im bored TALK TO ME hehehe

yeah ive just been informed by my best mate (ali) not katies were supposed to be playing with the machines but you guys pulled out at the last minute or summat! they are a really good band

i wish!! he's working another long shift 2moro (he's an american marine) he does like 5am-8pm or summat daft like that...so i dont get to see him when he's working cos he's either too busy with work stuff or working out! im seein him on thursday though...woohoo i cant wait