As usual, been spending my days studying and enjoying the city. Sunny spring weathers _were_ here but now it's just raining every single day. Sure ya, that's also part of spring so just need to be patient. Well ya, enjoy the "light" rain for as long as it lasts and after that will start rain season for some while. Awesome.
At area Shanghai 1933, which is enormous Slaughterhouse with endless floors, halls, stairs to unknown places, ridiculously expensive restaurants and unique shops and so on. You cannot even see half of the building in one day. And u know what was the best part, most of the huge halls, rooms, everything, were totally empty and none of the doors were locked so you could just walk where ever you wanted and discover, well, anything. And believe me, some of the places where creepy. Way creepy.
5 viesti - 4 tekijt - Viimeisin viesti: 16. lokakuu 2008

Then something more traditional, Yu garden.

And some Bund.

Cutest police car.

My favorite food, ever. Xiao Long Bao. Seriously, i could just live on these. The soup inside of them is just something so heavenly.
Funny enough, while in Europe, Xiao Long Bao was for sure the thing I missed most from China.

Pah. I also has a video to add. But for some reason the site doesn't let me download it.
Some other time then, i hope.

For to the end, just to make sure that u will be bored for my face for a very long time, few photos more.

Now off to bookstore to do some shopping.
I love books and could live in a bookstore. I would be a happy happy bird.
@whiplashsmile thanks :)