Ohhai! Another monthly blog and also another birthday gone by!
It's been a rollercoaster of a year but when hasn't it been? I celebrated my birthday with an ear infection (which is still ongoing) and lots of love so that was all I could ask for. It's been a year of many losses for a lot of us in Australia including family deaths and the loss of lives in the Sydney Siege but as always I've managed to find that flicker of light at the end of the tunnel and this year's "light" is that our household has adopted a furbaby!
We adopted Chelsea here from The Lost Dog's Home in Melbourne. (We named her Chelsea because her markings resemble that of a Chelsea Grin - scars that the Heath Ledger Joker and Chibs from Sons of Anarchy has from a form of torture)
She acts like a dog, is 10 months old and follows me every where - showering, cooking, editing photos, everywhere! It's cute.
Also got a few photos I've shot and edited recently of a Tokyo Ghoul cosplay to show off:
Anyhow the SG homework! Best and worst Christmas present?
Best this year is a tie between my cat baby's adoption and a custom mug a friend gave me from work off a quokka. Best. I made many happy gibberish cat noises.
Worst? I don't think I've ever had a worse! I mean, I'm sure as a kid there were a fair amount of bad sweaters but I guess it was the thought that counts so I never see a gift as a bad thing. I did have a really creepy doll my nan gave me for my birthday/Christmas one year though and it sang. And I have a phobia of dolls that have a human form. So I freaked out and ran away from her. I felt so bad for her, now that I think about it. My bad, nan - I still love you.
More photos soon. I've been itching to shoot more sets so we'll see how I go with that for 2015.
Any other Tokyo Ghoul fans out there on SG? Let's be friends and discuss feels.
And as per usual, you can stalk me via these outlets as listed below.
Facebook: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/OKASHIART (Photography, behind the scenes and modelling projects)
@lyxzen @charmaine