Hey guys,
I know I'm usually super cheery in blogs and fairly positive but there has been issues plaguing my brain/inbox/newsfeed that I need to get off my chest, whilst I do love the concept of SG, the communities I've become a part of and friends I have made.
(1) From what I've seen recently the caliber of sets that are being accepted have somehow dropped drastically. Shadows, white balance, composure and sometimes even subject focus doesn't seem to be a bar set for the sets being accepted at the moment. This is deeply discouraging for hopefuls and photographers in the queue at the moment with quality sets and I'm seriously questioning who the hell are letting these certain sets onto the queue.
(2) Photographers sending me unsolicited inbox requests to model for them WITH THEIR RATES ATTACHED - If I didn't fucking ask you then don't contact me, yeah? I'm pretty sure SG had a rule a while ago (not sure if that is still in place) where you're actually not supposed to approach the models too shoot and the models were meant to contact them. I still play by these rules as a photographer so why the fuck can't you? Just stop.
(3) Models that I have shot with that have had a whinge about their set not going well because of their chosen theme or lack of activity on the site - if you chose the theme/location that I shot for you and you don't get the response you want from that then it's not my fucking problem. My photography was on point, your theme/location wasn't. I put time and effort to shoot you and edit your set pro bono so if you want to say shitty things about a set I took my own time out to help you with maybe you should: (a) Get a tripod and shoot and edit your own fucking set or (b) Actually blog and be more active on the site and communicate with the community we have here. I know I'm guilty of not being active enough as a photographer or hopeful this year but I totally take that in my own stride and know that's on me, not the photographer or theme of my sets.
In other news, a more positive blog soon. With pretty photos I still have to edit. So thanks for reading this and sorry about my Grumpy Cat blog. Just needs to be said.
Meryx <3