I have been so shit with my blogging so firstly I want to start off with an apology for that! Secondly, I want to apologise for how long this blog may end up because there is a lot to catch up on but also I like to ramble.
So I'll start of with some good news, I've been living in the same house for almost 5 years, with an awful landlord that just didn't want to help with any problems, no garden, a tiny kitchen and then over 30 minutes walk to my daughter's school. We now are packing to move in the coming month, I am so happy, we will be living right by the school and the house is just perfect for my family. On top of that, in September I'm headed back to college to study Animal Management, something I've had a passion for since I was a child. Things seem to really be looking up for me lately.
Something you lovely lot may find more interesting is at the start of the month I had three beautiful ladies come visit me. @felis @roo_morgue & @kalita I felt like all my Christmases had come at once, unluckily the lovely Kalita was dancing that evening so couldn't join in on sleepover shenanigans! I got to sleep in the middle of the two gorgeous redheads! Jealous yet?
The next morning I'd managed to get hold of a studio for Felis to show us her photography skills, and damn she is pretty talented!
A little behind the scenes Roo managed to get whilst I worked my stuff.
She even got an adorable shot of my little Princess Ana!
Bring us up to the most recent weeks, that beautiful @vulpine got me in touch with a friend who is a crazy cool artist. So i made sure to travel to the shoot with time to see that gorgeous babe at her awesome shop. Although I'm skint, I couldn't help but buy some of her stock!
We collab'd on a project he's working on meaning that I ended up being a purple & black extraterrestrial looking like something from 'They Live'. Now due to it being an on going project I have to keep hold of the images I did get, but because it's you guys, you can have a nice sneak peek that can only be viewed here!
So I think that brings us pretty much up to date! And I promise it won't be as long next time, I need to ensure I put time aside to blog!
Now Ima eat some hash brownie and enjoy the rare sun that England has shining down on it. Happy 4/20 my loves!