Day 2 of Bartending Academy!! I am having a blast! I am stoked about being a bartender!! So far we are just learning some to do a controlled pour...doing a count to know how much you are pouring so you dont have to measure it out each time. So far Ive got this down pretty damn good. I wonder what bar I'll be able to get a job in....hmmm.
Oh yea!! Im going to South by Southwest in Austin in March! So stoked about this too!! So far seems Im going with a few of my guy friends...think my bestie is gonna be in Cali.
But Im still looking forward to it!! Anyone gonna be there too??? We havnt a clue where we are gonna stay...but whateva...we will figure this out as we go.
Loves ya!!
Oh yea!! Im going to South by Southwest in Austin in March! So stoked about this too!! So far seems Im going with a few of my guy friends...think my bestie is gonna be in Cali.

Loves ya!!

where in cali, u should stop in SD for a cocktail!
I would if I was gonna go with her to Cali...but Im gonna be in Austin TX. My Heather is gonna be in San Fransisco-ish area... I think. If Im ever in SD I'll totally let u know!!