So today was awkward...still living with my folks...2 more weeks on this. Im seeing/sleeping with this awesome fella. I am super stoked (hehe) about him. So he stayed the night with me last night. Figured we would get up after my folks left for work...but of course I forgot that my mother does not work today. So yea...had to do the walk of shame with the new boy toy today. Hes such a sweet heart though...was so polite. The crappy part is my mom made me feel like I was 16 and sneaking out of the house or something. Im 27!! What Im supposed to be celibate til I marry again? Fuck that. Sorry had to vent.
OMG, thats hillarious!!!
It's a parents job to make you feel like a kid, it's what they do best. Being a parent now, I take perverse pleasure in doing the same things to my kids that drove me crazy. 

I hope the new guy knows how lucky he is to be with such a gorgeous woman!