Had a cunt of a day today
sorry no other word for it.
This blog is going to be a bit of a whinge but I need to let it out.....
I had a great idea a while back to shoot a calendar for my business. The other guys that own the business also thought it was a great idea. We get 12 girls in Indian head-dresses and pose them topless implied. A great bit of fun that we would then give out to all our suppliers at the end of the year (the most of which are butchers, camping and fishing stores and the Australian Army).
6 months down the track, it was flushed down the toilet today because of a few people that think it's pornographic (an actual word used today to describe these images).
Now before I get too carried away let's have a look at the first six months of shooting so we are all aware of what I'm talking about....

Ok so are we all on the same page now? Very non porno and actually now that I look back, pretty sweet photos.
One of the other owners wives took offence because their son's school saw our website where these and more photos were on show (we're talking quite hidden within the website too I might add) and came home crying because of the shame. Sounds made up hey? Well she actually came home crying.
Her husband told me he was embarrassed to drive their boy to school now as he thinks the other parents would now look at him like some kind of pervert because this is what his business does. (The business by the way is beef jerky and all our promo girls wear indian head-dresses to stand out - and it's a bit of fun.)
So those two statements above blew me away. Like I can understand how someone could think that, I really do. But I can't rationalise how it could happen.
I'm nearly done
A couple of other things really made me upset. The person I was debating with over this called the models sluts. He has never net them, but knows one or two work as part time strippers. The other are models or promo girls. 5 our of 6 of them are MUMS!! They all gave their time for free, as well as the make-up person.
Why would you use that language to describe people that are doing things to help YOUR business. It made my blood boil and now makes me very sad indeed.
At the end of the day what do you do when one of the owners wives strongly disagrees with what your business does. No matter how much planing and forethought has gone into the marketing and why we were doing the above project.....
I'm not writing this to get people on my side or even start another debate. There are many issues that I have not even gone into. The community here is a lot more tolerant than my "normal world" and days like today make me appreciate SG a lot more.
The calendar might be gone now, but I met 6 beautiful, down to earth ladies and that in itself was worth the crap from today. It really was a great pleasure to work with every one of them.
Oh and by the way there were videos too! During every shoot I would swap lenses to shoot little grabs of video to edit together to give our customers a little something extra from our shoots
I'll leave them up for few more days
thanks for reading.

This blog is going to be a bit of a whinge but I need to let it out.....
I had a great idea a while back to shoot a calendar for my business. The other guys that own the business also thought it was a great idea. We get 12 girls in Indian head-dresses and pose them topless implied. A great bit of fun that we would then give out to all our suppliers at the end of the year (the most of which are butchers, camping and fishing stores and the Australian Army).
6 months down the track, it was flushed down the toilet today because of a few people that think it's pornographic (an actual word used today to describe these images).
Now before I get too carried away let's have a look at the first six months of shooting so we are all aware of what I'm talking about....

Ok so are we all on the same page now? Very non porno and actually now that I look back, pretty sweet photos.
One of the other owners wives took offence because their son's school saw our website where these and more photos were on show (we're talking quite hidden within the website too I might add) and came home crying because of the shame. Sounds made up hey? Well she actually came home crying.
Her husband told me he was embarrassed to drive their boy to school now as he thinks the other parents would now look at him like some kind of pervert because this is what his business does. (The business by the way is beef jerky and all our promo girls wear indian head-dresses to stand out - and it's a bit of fun.)
So those two statements above blew me away. Like I can understand how someone could think that, I really do. But I can't rationalise how it could happen.
I'm nearly done

A couple of other things really made me upset. The person I was debating with over this called the models sluts. He has never net them, but knows one or two work as part time strippers. The other are models or promo girls. 5 our of 6 of them are MUMS!! They all gave their time for free, as well as the make-up person.
Why would you use that language to describe people that are doing things to help YOUR business. It made my blood boil and now makes me very sad indeed.
At the end of the day what do you do when one of the owners wives strongly disagrees with what your business does. No matter how much planing and forethought has gone into the marketing and why we were doing the above project.....
I'm not writing this to get people on my side or even start another debate. There are many issues that I have not even gone into. The community here is a lot more tolerant than my "normal world" and days like today make me appreciate SG a lot more.
The calendar might be gone now, but I met 6 beautiful, down to earth ladies and that in itself was worth the crap from today. It really was a great pleasure to work with every one of them.
Oh and by the way there were videos too! During every shoot I would swap lenses to shoot little grabs of video to edit together to give our customers a little something extra from our shoots
I'll leave them up for few more days

thanks for reading.
Neil, sorry to say that an i dont need a pat in my head at all but i feel highly responsible, reading your post I kinda made a lil story in my mind. i know its not my fault tho that ppl have such small thinkin minds but maye would be safer if they didnt know as much if you know what i mean
i can understand their side and hey you know what, maybe if i was in that side of reality i would think exactly the same as 98% of ppl really do..... but its a shame.... maybe in a few years some ppl will be more familiar an confortable with their own sexuality and respect and apreciate others too. its a bit of a far an delusional wish tho cos i think society will always try an reinforce pudor in ppl. which in my thinkin is a waste of time cos in the end we r animals and shud only trust our instinct. wow, what am i talkin about? haha
anyway, there will come a time when we will actually back off for this type of confidence.... we already do but we name it differently or we give excuses to not see it and we actually try so so hard to not see it!!!! hahaha fukin pathetic. it is a sign tho Neil, it really is.... keep up with the good job!
x ana

Well, I like the photos. But from my personal perspective, if I were one of those models I don't know that I'd be very comfortable having such a sexual pic hanging up in someone's butcher shop (probably because half of my brothers are butchers
), or in an Army barracks (probably because my BF is ex-army and his mates are still Army)!!! BUT if it were a rather sexy pic of me in a head piece and a bikini, rather than my hands caressing my boobs, then I'd be fine with it!! I know that sounds silly, but thats my own personal opinion. I am not saying that these images are pornographic, but lets face it - hands on bare boobs is more prone to cause an errection than a bikini