Going to see Gwar tonight!!! I've seen them several times since the early 90's... they Always entertain. In this week of Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for finding some consistency and loud fucking music! Vive La Gwar! \m/
It's been nice to have a ton of work the past week or so, but as Thanksgiving approaches, I'm remembering how much it sucks to be single for the holidays. Damn. Oh well, me and the puppy are going to have some good times. But yeah, it fucking sucks that the last girl I was chasing after didn't work out. I really liked her and... Read More
hahaha, awesome! Thanks for these. I have been decidedly atheist since I was a kid. I love some snarky jokes at the expense of religions.
I think I am gonna find some weed this weekend. It has been a while and I think it would do me some justice.
The dating scene in Atlanta is just wrecked. I need to get my shit together sooner than later and move out west. I don't know what the deal is with this town, but it is just OverFuckingFlowing with fat hipster chicks, fat hippies, and retarded hip hop girls. It hasn't always been like this, but the past couple years it has become the standard. Seriously.... Read More
L5P Halloween Fest rocked my face off! So much fun. Too much drinking. I met a billion cool new people and ran into a bunch of friends. Good times. Who's doing what for this coming Halloween weekend? Hit me up if you know of anything good going down. I'll most likely be going to The Jungle on the 28th for the secretroom.net Devils Night party.... Read More
I had an amazing week last week. Seriously, one of the best on record. This week has totally started off full of speed bumps, irritations, annoyances, and false-starts. Why can't things just turn around and be awesome for a while. I would like to be happy for a few months in a row, with moderate success in my work, and live at a relatively low... Read More
I had an awesome dinner at Soto Soto with my favorite lady friend last night. I had a fucked up work day that irritated the shit out of me. Multiple people with fucking retarded time-management issues wasted my entire day, caused me to have to cancel two meetings with other clients, and basically made my easy-chill Friday a frantic, stressed-out mess and I now have... Read More