I'm alive.
Just stuck in a job hunting mode the last week or two and it might actually pay off...
I had a phone interview with a fast-casual restaurant today and my recruiter told me that in all likelihood I'm the best candidate she's sent over for the position so ideally i should feel hopeful.
Hard, but i'm trying recruiter lady.
i'll post more when i have more. Just haven't had much really.
Just stuck in a job hunting mode the last week or two and it might actually pay off...
I had a phone interview with a fast-casual restaurant today and my recruiter told me that in all likelihood I'm the best candidate she's sent over for the position so ideally i should feel hopeful.
Hard, but i'm trying recruiter lady.
i'll post more when i have more. Just haven't had much really.
Aww, snow kitty.
My kitty Torch puffed up too, and made these high-pitched frustrated meows. The outdoors freak him out anyway though.

Maybe starting the day w/some early morning T & A was good luck for ya??
Hope you had a successful week sweetie.