I wanted to write this blog to encourage anyone in the area to check out the play: Wicked
On Thursday I got the chance to see this play in LA and was simply blown away... I'm usually not much of the theater type, but with a story based upon the Wizard of Oz I knew this would be good...
Working in the fashion industry, i took notice to the costume and set design and was very impressed. It seemed every detail reinforced my imagination of the book...One set in particular reminded me of the "Heart Shaped Box" video minus the soundtrack, D, C, & K. and these lucid colors helped create the contrast between the foreground characters and background set. However, like any good story you don't want it to end but oh well...we cant always live in fantasy...or can we?
On my way out of the theater I saw this cute girl with a full sleeve and complemented her ink... I'm still drafting up some ideas for what I'm gonna get done I just need to find the right artists...ANYONE KNOW SOMEONE YOU WOULD RECOMMEND FOR A TAT IN THE LA / PORTLAND / SEATTLE AREA?
anyhow cheers to another week, another day, another, second...