I just returned from one epic adventure... one in which i wiish never would have ended... but of course it did... and so now i shall type about it.
On friday the 26th I got on my flght due north to Portland... eager to take a vacation... but also knowing that this would not be such a typical relaxing one (to say the least)... I decided to buy a new book at the airport... Dan Brown's Deception Point... I almost bought Angels & Demons but with all the airborn popularity of his movie made fiction The Davinci Code I decided no on it and yes on somethin newer...fresher... So far Im halfway through the book and pondering my next read... so anyway... I got on the plane with my book, a sketchpad, and a couple of spare waredrobes... I quickly remembered my last plane flght when a stewardess in her mid 30s was hiting on me... it was flattering and I wished it would happen again... it didnt... "oh well someday I'll join the mile-high club" I told myself. I soon get to my seat and diverge into my newer fiction... 250 pages later the plan is landing... My friend picks me up at the PDX airport and we are both greated my a late sprinkle... the air is clean and cold... I feel like I am at home... We get into the city and call a few other friends to meet up at a local pub in SE near the burnside park. We crack a few jokes and drink a few beers then head out to another pub my friend is DJ'n at that night, the basil bar... a few more drinks later we decide to head out into town an at that point i dont even rememeber what bar we actual arrive at... i remember i was surprised it had a 7 dollar cover (no bars have a cover charge in portland...even stripclubs for that matter) so the place winds down and we wind up and head down the street to another pub... there we put down a few more beers and actual get a free round cause this random guy starts to hit on my friends wife and we kinda startle him when we he sees us and so outta remorse i guess he decides to buy all of the 6 of us a round of good old PBR... damn buy then im faded "juiced up beyond belief" is what Beck would say... and so i remeber one last spot... we go to some latenight pancake house on the east side and i the line is so long that i start to fall asleep. knowing im not going to make it i sit down and start snoozin... meanwhile a cop spots me and tells me I have to wake up or leave. quickly one of my friends pulls a pair of huge joke sunglasses someone had gave him earlier and puts them on my face... the dream sequence commences... i drift i drift away...
(a naration pause : at this rate, this story is going to take a forever...shyzzer)
well day two begins... i wake up around noon and two more friends have met the group...one from LA and one from SLC. we call more and decide to meet up for lunch bofore heading out on our journey towards a musical oblivion : the sasquatch festival in north central washington...
the drive is crazy... we go throught rain, hail, rain sunshine, rain, and seem to travel along an endless road of rolling hills and quite towns.
we arrive we BBQ... we drink... then... we decide to climb a nearby mountain side a few mountains from our site... we get halfway up and nearly kill each other triping and slipping on the way down... then we return. sleep.
i am awaken at the faintest aura of light it is about 445 i imagine.... i cant sleep and so i get out of my tent and decide to tak a walk... i stop at the base of the mountain we had previously attempted and begin slowing moving up it. As i drag my feet the fresh air in my lungs give me more energy than i really needed and before i know it i end up standing at the top of this mt edifice. the view isnt all that great but the light outlining the horizon is pretty enough to quite my thoughts and feelings and to just look... all around... everywhere i can... when i get back down it is now light out... no way can i sleep... oh well... i take out my book read another 100 pages and wait for my friends to wake... we will be heading towards the music today...
so the trip keeps building... plataeus at the concert and remains constant until I settle into my departing airplane seat and look back into the clouds at another sunset... i wonder when ill b back... soon i hope... soon.
On friday the 26th I got on my flght due north to Portland... eager to take a vacation... but also knowing that this would not be such a typical relaxing one (to say the least)... I decided to buy a new book at the airport... Dan Brown's Deception Point... I almost bought Angels & Demons but with all the airborn popularity of his movie made fiction The Davinci Code I decided no on it and yes on somethin newer...fresher... So far Im halfway through the book and pondering my next read... so anyway... I got on the plane with my book, a sketchpad, and a couple of spare waredrobes... I quickly remembered my last plane flght when a stewardess in her mid 30s was hiting on me... it was flattering and I wished it would happen again... it didnt... "oh well someday I'll join the mile-high club" I told myself. I soon get to my seat and diverge into my newer fiction... 250 pages later the plan is landing... My friend picks me up at the PDX airport and we are both greated my a late sprinkle... the air is clean and cold... I feel like I am at home... We get into the city and call a few other friends to meet up at a local pub in SE near the burnside park. We crack a few jokes and drink a few beers then head out to another pub my friend is DJ'n at that night, the basil bar... a few more drinks later we decide to head out into town an at that point i dont even rememeber what bar we actual arrive at... i remember i was surprised it had a 7 dollar cover (no bars have a cover charge in portland...even stripclubs for that matter) so the place winds down and we wind up and head down the street to another pub... there we put down a few more beers and actual get a free round cause this random guy starts to hit on my friends wife and we kinda startle him when we he sees us and so outta remorse i guess he decides to buy all of the 6 of us a round of good old PBR... damn buy then im faded "juiced up beyond belief" is what Beck would say... and so i remeber one last spot... we go to some latenight pancake house on the east side and i the line is so long that i start to fall asleep. knowing im not going to make it i sit down and start snoozin... meanwhile a cop spots me and tells me I have to wake up or leave. quickly one of my friends pulls a pair of huge joke sunglasses someone had gave him earlier and puts them on my face... the dream sequence commences... i drift i drift away...
(a naration pause : at this rate, this story is going to take a forever...shyzzer)
well day two begins... i wake up around noon and two more friends have met the group...one from LA and one from SLC. we call more and decide to meet up for lunch bofore heading out on our journey towards a musical oblivion : the sasquatch festival in north central washington...
the drive is crazy... we go throught rain, hail, rain sunshine, rain, and seem to travel along an endless road of rolling hills and quite towns.
we arrive we BBQ... we drink... then... we decide to climb a nearby mountain side a few mountains from our site... we get halfway up and nearly kill each other triping and slipping on the way down... then we return. sleep.
i am awaken at the faintest aura of light it is about 445 i imagine.... i cant sleep and so i get out of my tent and decide to tak a walk... i stop at the base of the mountain we had previously attempted and begin slowing moving up it. As i drag my feet the fresh air in my lungs give me more energy than i really needed and before i know it i end up standing at the top of this mt edifice. the view isnt all that great but the light outlining the horizon is pretty enough to quite my thoughts and feelings and to just look... all around... everywhere i can... when i get back down it is now light out... no way can i sleep... oh well... i take out my book read another 100 pages and wait for my friends to wake... we will be heading towards the music today...
so the trip keeps building... plataeus at the concert and remains constant until I settle into my departing airplane seat and look back into the clouds at another sunset... i wonder when ill b back... soon i hope... soon.