It's definately prettier than where I'm from...

Weddings mean people are in love though. And that's hella nice

Funny night...
I had this show with my band at my old college and for some reason I had this weird feeling that things were not going to be right... as I suspected the first thing happens... after loading up the truck with my brother... we start heading down the street and I glance back to see the trunk of the car... well something is...
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I had this show with my band at my old college and for some reason I had this weird feeling that things were not going to be right... as I suspected the first thing happens... after loading up the truck with my brother... we start heading down the street and I glance back to see the trunk of the car... well something is...
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Its 9:50 on a monday night...
seconds pass as I focus my eyes on a few random words, I pause as I drift into a daydream... what is this illusion we call perfection...? the direction we fall to the ground, what is the method that we hope to acheive, why are we standing at all?
for another second, it settles... a shower of thoughts....
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seconds pass as I focus my eyes on a few random words, I pause as I drift into a daydream... what is this illusion we call perfection...? the direction we fall to the ground, what is the method that we hope to acheive, why are we standing at all?
for another second, it settles... a shower of thoughts....
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