OK, so you won't hear much from me for a while in this particular forum. S**** and I have struck a sponsorship deal with a local paper for our Craft Fair in December. They are giving us thousands of dollars worth of advertising for next to nothing.
What this means is that I will be working my poor little mouse to the bone (laser?) for the next month to make this legit enough to justify the ads that will be seen by 100,000 people each week. And since I have to have things to sell at said Craft Fair, I will be sewing like there's no tomorrow inbetween. Oh, and did I mention we'll be at the Bazaar Bizarre in Boston the week after ours?
So, though I may not update here for a while, I will be available via email if you need me.
Rock on
Thank you
What this means is that I will be working my poor little mouse to the bone (laser?) for the next month to make this legit enough to justify the ads that will be seen by 100,000 people each week. And since I have to have things to sell at said Craft Fair, I will be sewing like there's no tomorrow inbetween. Oh, and did I mention we'll be at the Bazaar Bizarre in Boston the week after ours?
So, though I may not update here for a while, I will be available via email if you need me.
Rock on

Thank you
We did attend the Museum of Science this weekend. We only went to the Star Wars exhibit though. The plan was to see the SW stuff and then check out the rest of the museum, but the Michigan-Ohio State game intervened (in case you didn't know ... it's the Red Sox-Yankees game of Midwest football ... and J***, A****, and I all went to Mich). Anyway, the exhibit was OK. I'm not sure it was worth the $20 for the ticket. Plus the two movies they had cost extra (lame!). And the biggest let down of all ... no Boba Fett! The spin on the exhibit was "Where Science Meets Imagination" and tried to offer some real world scientific explanations for some the technology in the SW universe. They did have some awesome big models of ships like the Millenium Falcon, a Star Destroyer, the Blockade Runner, and an X-wing. I enjoyed it, but ultimately I think it suffered from the same problem as everything SW-related post-RotJ, ie, too much hype and not enough substance.
The SW exhibit tickets did get us free main exhibit hall passes, so we want to go back to see the rest of the museum proper. So let us know if you guys decide to come in and check it out.