I would give anythign for the power of the sun in my hand just about now.../me drinks more coffe...
Went to bed at 5AM (as opposed to 4 AM yesterday). Hopefully I can make it to the end of the tunnel before the project kills me. biggrin
hey thanx......So whats yr project??
I can't say at this point, but it will be cool as hell! You can go watch it in theaters this summer--maybe not an oscar winner, but special effecty and action-rich for sure. I can share some of my past work...

I like your "the stage" painting a lot too. great contrast and grit. smile

Hmmm... I think a filling I got recently partially broke and came out, but I am too busy to go to the DDS. I can feel teh hole in my tooth, and it's starting to hurt. ow...
Movie. Killing. Me.
Must invent UberProc machine to finish it all off.
Note to self: Hurry up.
bitchy girls suck puke