I went to work today but I didnt actually work. My truck that im ficing up is there and I am trying to raplace the oil filter. Ive never done this sort of thing before so it is kinda messy. I havn't completed the task yet. All I did today was drain the oil and the coolant system. For those of you who never drained the coolant, ITS A HUGE FUCKING MESS!!! Get someone else to do it.
In other news my girlfriend is coming over tonight. We are supposed to try and go to Santa Cruz again bet we will have to hope for good weather. This time we are gunna take the train so santa cruz from Roaring Camp Railroads. Its gunna be sweet. And ill try to post some pics of it if we go.
Im trying myself soon. "what do you mean?" you ask? Im a member of Suicide boys and im gunna give it a shot. I have a few ideas for a set but im not set on one yet. Ill let you all know when I finish it.
Im gunna go get a beer now. Farewell faithful SG community.
In other news my girlfriend is coming over tonight. We are supposed to try and go to Santa Cruz again bet we will have to hope for good weather. This time we are gunna take the train so santa cruz from Roaring Camp Railroads. Its gunna be sweet. And ill try to post some pics of it if we go.
Im trying myself soon. "what do you mean?" you ask? Im a member of Suicide boys and im gunna give it a shot. I have a few ideas for a set but im not set on one yet. Ill let you all know when I finish it.

Im gunna go get a beer now. Farewell faithful SG community.
And yes, I've seen both Kill Bill movies several times and they both kick ass, I used to like the second one better but now I'm leaning towards the first one, nothing beats gratuitous violence!
I hope Santa Cruz was/is/will be fun, I wish I could go somewhere cool...
Oh you're a suicide boy now? Hot damn, I'd better go check that out ASAP :p