WOW, I totally forgot I even had this account. I have been really busy with school and work, and my bands. Yea thats right. I am part of 4 bands now. We are progressing so fast with this new project, it's great. during our first two practices we already finished a song, minus the vocals of course. In my main band we can barely finish a song within 4 months because of so much differentiation in interests, Plus our keyboardist is a fuckin little bitch. Ugh, but thats a different story. So my solo project (#3 of 4) will be recorded (at least partially) in about a month or two. Finally!!!!!
My GF is coming over tonight so I gotta clean my place and light my candles and all that other dark romantic stuff. I havn'e seen her in 2 weeks, and the last time i did i couldn't kiss her because her lips were sunburnt really bad. But I made her a love stick...don't ask.
My GF is coming over tonight so I gotta clean my place and light my candles and all that other dark romantic stuff. I havn'e seen her in 2 weeks, and the last time i did i couldn't kiss her because her lips were sunburnt really bad. But I made her a love stick...don't ask.
Congrats on the band. I'd shit myself if I was even in just one. Too bad you live on the other side of the country, I'd kick your keyboardist's ass and be the new replacement (since I'm a keyboardist myself.) Bwahahaha.
Yeah, most of the homeless people I've encountered are insane/aggressive. I've seen a few people who were really polite, but like you said, there are shelters they can go to. I'm thinking I might make pamphlets about said shelters and hand them out to every homeless person I come across.