AHA!!! Some free time!!
I have an obssession with books! I have so many books that I haven't even read yet and yet my Amazon.com wish list is full with 2 whole pages of more books I want! Which leads me to stating that Americans as a whole are very lucky. Even those people on welfare are lucky to even have a government that can supply them with that welfare check regularly. But still those welfare people tend to complain about not having enough!!! Why don't they try moving to Somalia, Columbia, Brazil, etc.... and see what that governement will give them...........NOTHING!!
We Americans (everyone) wastes soooooo much. All we do is buy, buy, buy thinking that the more we have the happier we will be. I think the happier people are those who aren't packrats and just have what is neccessary. A simple house makes for a simple mind. Less clutter in real life can be a very big help in organizing your mind.
I often think about how much all of our wastefulness contributes to this country's huge monetary debt, but the problem is ooo widespread I don't think it will ever get corrected.
Enough ranting for now....I'm heading to the gym.
I have an obssession with books! I have so many books that I haven't even read yet and yet my Amazon.com wish list is full with 2 whole pages of more books I want! Which leads me to stating that Americans as a whole are very lucky. Even those people on welfare are lucky to even have a government that can supply them with that welfare check regularly. But still those welfare people tend to complain about not having enough!!! Why don't they try moving to Somalia, Columbia, Brazil, etc.... and see what that governement will give them...........NOTHING!!
We Americans (everyone) wastes soooooo much. All we do is buy, buy, buy thinking that the more we have the happier we will be. I think the happier people are those who aren't packrats and just have what is neccessary. A simple house makes for a simple mind. Less clutter in real life can be a very big help in organizing your mind.
I often think about how much all of our wastefulness contributes to this country's huge monetary debt, but the problem is ooo widespread I don't think it will ever get corrected.
Enough ranting for now....I'm heading to the gym.
A simple house makes for a simple mind.
This sounds familiar, but I think it was "having a clean house is like having a like clear mind."
AMERICA, the land of waste and excess.