bah humbug! no snow AGAIN this year for christmas.
it was so fucking warm all week, we lost the little snow we had because it rained solid for a week. if it would have been cold enough we would have gotten dumped with snow. but no, we got dumped with rain instead! there goes any hope of getting up to the mountain this week.
as much as i love pittsburgh i think its my time to go. iv been wanting to move for so long but got all held up with working for my dad the last three years, it was to hard to leave a job that i made too much money and got to be my own boss. those days are finally behind me and im ready to start working in a salon.. i have a job at salon i start on monday.. but im only working every monday at first. maybe i can do something traveling during the week.. look for a new place to call home

i would LOVE to move to colorado. i have a few friends that live out there and they love it. a girlfriend of mine moved to denver a few weeks ago and she really likes it. i'll have to get out there for a visit.
my dad has a house in florida, its a shame i dont like the beach more.. but i just cant like there. to hot. to flat. i dont think martini dog would like it.
so if you could live anywhere, where would it be?

p.s. i LOVE my new boobs

moving from pittsburgh? where are you considering? colorado is beautiful, i presonally couldnt live out there but it is really nice. i love visiting there in the winter time.
the new boobs are quite nice