My first blog!! how exicting! Im just going to jump right into this with something that happned to me over the weekend.. I was at the gym saturday morning, minding my own biz.. rocking out with my ipod while doing some cardio when i feel someone tap my shoulder. I slow down and tke my head phones out and this lady is standing there.. shes probly late 50's early 60's (somewhere around there) and shes like "Hi I just wanted to tell you that the wings on your back.. there not identical. I think whoever did them messed up." I can only imagine what my face must have looked like.. I did my best to explain to this poor lady that me and my tattoo artiest agreed that nothing in this world (that isnt man made) is identical. She agreed but said that she still didnt think I should have paid full price for them.. but if it was her she wouldnt even consider doing such a thing to her body. SERIOUSLY who asked you bitch? I coudlnt belive that a GROWN woman had enough nerv to interupt me and say such nonsence. My baby sister has more ediquette and manners then her.. to bad its people like that that give the human race such a bad rep. So whatever.. it made me kinda sad and upset for like 3 minutes.. then I got over it.. I had totally forgotten about the entire scene until this morning. I was at sheeze getting a latte before heading into work when a very big and slightly scary state cop came up to me and asked "didnt that hurt?" At first i thought he was talking about my lip ring and I just laughed and said "oh no not really" and he was like "oh no not that.. your back. Those wings are a real peice of art! me and my partner couldnt help but otice them when you walked in." that TOTALLY made my morning. I love when people take notice at the true beauty and artistic talent in tattoos.. and when it came from mr.cop!. its just the little things like that. I hope that cop knows how much he made my day.. so take that crazy gym lady!!

You're so hot and besides you're Cancer! I like the crabs!!
I would be very pleased if we could can shooting together sometime!!