Alright its finally friday!!! I have tonight off, the truck is still going strong, and I get paid today. Its going to be a great day. Hopefully my weed guy has some super supremo shit in today, and he hasnt gone out of town for the weekend, fucking hate when that happens. I do work sat night, but then not again til weds. I have a hockey game on sunday and I always look foward to that. Ok I think its time for the morning bong hit then check to see if there is a online poker tourney about to start anytime soon.
Hope your guy had something good for you. We've got an awesome one here. He's always around too.
I kinda suck. I mean, I can skate just fine but I couldn't pop an ollie to save my life. I do skate with a little skirt sometimes though, hehehe.....
Hope your Friday kicked some arse.