Us liberated women are mouthy broads. Give us the vote, and we take the rest in mere generations. Not bad, for a bunch of girls.
We know you need us more than we need you, and I'd be lying if I said we didn't use it to our advantage. How could you not? It's almost a natural reaction to your staring at our breasts. Had I the choice, I would choose to be a woman over a man in a heartbeat. We've just got the leg up these days. "A woman can do anything that a man can.., they say.
I don't think we can. Fuck it, I don't want to be able to do everything a man can. Some things, yes, but there is just something about being someone else's "woman", being owned by a strong man. It can feel safe and scary at the same time. That's the way it should be.
However, ladies, I have to say. I think we've fucked it up for ourselves. With our loud voices and "fuck you" attitudes towards them. And, whether it's staying for the kids, getting laid regularly, or whatever - you men put up with it.
So. Now here I am standing with the penis. I've ripped it off my husband and I am dancing around with it like a fucking trophy. Then, I sit at home and cry about his seeming lack of interest in my requests to get rough with me in bed. The irony of the whole thing never even hits me. I am such an ass.
We know you need us more than we need you, and I'd be lying if I said we didn't use it to our advantage. How could you not? It's almost a natural reaction to your staring at our breasts. Had I the choice, I would choose to be a woman over a man in a heartbeat. We've just got the leg up these days. "A woman can do anything that a man can.., they say.
I don't think we can. Fuck it, I don't want to be able to do everything a man can. Some things, yes, but there is just something about being someone else's "woman", being owned by a strong man. It can feel safe and scary at the same time. That's the way it should be.
However, ladies, I have to say. I think we've fucked it up for ourselves. With our loud voices and "fuck you" attitudes towards them. And, whether it's staying for the kids, getting laid regularly, or whatever - you men put up with it.
So. Now here I am standing with the penis. I've ripped it off my husband and I am dancing around with it like a fucking trophy. Then, I sit at home and cry about his seeming lack of interest in my requests to get rough with me in bed. The irony of the whole thing never even hits me. I am such an ass.