Gosh Darn it! I think this is the second mixed roofie drink you've offerend me! I don't remember what the first tasted, maybe I'll take up the second offer, to refresh my memory!
OMG! Has this every happened to anyone else.
I was on the train today and some girl had a huge tattoo on her back....
So I say to her, "Excuse me, may I see your back piece?"
She agrees and tells me to simply look down her shirt..... So I do (She's wearing a polka dot bra).
I tell her its very pretty, then she... Read More
Today was a great day!
I received a message from the hottest girl on this damn site!
When I noticed I had a message from her, I creamed my pants.... True story!
How you going to tell me you want to be my new drug of choice.... and when I need my fix give me the "I have a headache" excuse!
Am I not fuckable?!
Had I known, I would've gotten the sure fix....
So I think I need to take a ROYAL shit...
but when I looked through my contacts,
I remembered I deleted you.... I hate being constipated,
So I'll shit in public and hope you sniff me out, oh you've always been so good at that...
You catch your prey because you hunt the sick....
Ha ha mother fucker, the jokes on you...
Karma cashed in... Read More
I wish I could just cave into your fuckin warmth again.
Let you fuck me like you did the first time... But it's never like the first time
My soul yearns for you to penetrate my every senses...
and I inhale so deep...... I stop breathing.....I forget that its necessary.....
and when I finally exhale..if I ever exhale again
Fuckin hate dreams were you relive past events you wished you never lived to begin with.
They'll feel so real you can feel the warmth all through your body.
Because it's so good you can't do it once.
I kept wondering what it was that was keeping me up, why am I so fuckin anxious all the god damn time.
And then I dreamt that... Read More