time for an update.....
guess where i am?....im at Boo's house....been hangin out w/ her all day....it's been a really fun day...i'll fill all of you in on that later tho....
im in a really good mood this weekend...cuz you know why?....i have the whole weekend off from hell...i don't have to go back to that shitty place until monday nite....hooray!
anyhow...i was hangin out w/ ayem on wednesday....we went to Vitucci's for some drinks and then ventured out to the cousin's center woods for some creepy cemetery hunting...there is a very beautiful cemetery in the middle of these woods...it's kinda placed in a weird spot...oh well....
so while we were there a friend of mine told me to go stand at the edge of the woods w/ my back to it and have my arms out...kinda like in that movie 'The Villiage'....i couldn't do it for more than a couple seconds cuz a branch snapped while i was standing there and it freaked me out....
so yea....anyone else do anything like that?...please share your stories w/ me...especially since i haven't been around too much....i wanna hear all about your crazy antics of the moment....
well gotta go eat w/ boo....
fill me in on your lives....

guess where i am?....im at Boo's house....been hangin out w/ her all day....it's been a really fun day...i'll fill all of you in on that later tho....
im in a really good mood this weekend...cuz you know why?....i have the whole weekend off from hell...i don't have to go back to that shitty place until monday nite....hooray!
anyhow...i was hangin out w/ ayem on wednesday....we went to Vitucci's for some drinks and then ventured out to the cousin's center woods for some creepy cemetery hunting...there is a very beautiful cemetery in the middle of these woods...it's kinda placed in a weird spot...oh well....
so while we were there a friend of mine told me to go stand at the edge of the woods w/ my back to it and have my arms out...kinda like in that movie 'The Villiage'....i couldn't do it for more than a couple seconds cuz a branch snapped while i was standing there and it freaked me out....
so yea....anyone else do anything like that?...please share your stories w/ me...especially since i haven't been around too much....i wanna hear all about your crazy antics of the moment....
well gotta go eat w/ boo....
fill me in on your lives....


I like it too.
Enjoy your Tuesday.