So...I got hit by a car.
Yup. Literally. Hit by a car. I'm okay, but I never thought I would be able to say that I had been hit by a car. Here is the story...
Yesterday, I was running late for a doctors appointment on the other side of town and hopped off the tram and stated running. Looked at the 'not a good time to cross' sign and decided to go anyway. There was a car sitting there and I thought the light had just turned but as I was running past the car that was slow to start another one was coming down the street. I didn't see it until it was too late and I was in front of him. He slammed on the brakes and I got hit. He didn't hit me hard enough to actually hurt me, but I did do a little flip and was thankfully able to land on my feet. I just kept running since I was going to be late. I yelled back to the guy that I was okay and told a girl that came to help me I was fine and just kept on running. I am sure I scared the driver and passenger of that car half to death. So far the only thing I noticed was a scratch on my arm where I hit the car, and not even a bruise on my bum/hip where I was also hit.
When I made it to the doctors office, she was running late, go figure. I told her about what had happened and she just looked at me with disbelief. When I told her I was serious, all she did was ask if I was okay. Some doctor. She didn't even want to make sure that I was physically okay. A little back story on her is that the last 2 times I saw her, she called me fat and wanted to offer me diet and fitness advice. This time was no different. She could only focus on the fact that I am not the typical body type that the 'French' prefer. I am shocked that she can be so callus and continue to tell me that I am overweight (I'm about 165lbs/75kg) even after I explained to her that I am mostly muscle and workout all the time, not to mention that I am happy (for the most part) with the way I am. Ugh. She drives me nuts. The only good thing about my Dr is that I don't have to see her again for 6 months and I will be moving back to the US around that time.
So, long story short, I got hit by a car and my Dr didn't really care.
It put a few things into perspective for me tho...
Anything can happen at anytime, good or bad.
30 is not a good year for me so far.
I am going to live each day as best as I can because it may be taken away at any time.
I am a lot more resilient than I had once thought.
Lots of love to you all.

Yup. Literally. Hit by a car. I'm okay, but I never thought I would be able to say that I had been hit by a car. Here is the story...
Yesterday, I was running late for a doctors appointment on the other side of town and hopped off the tram and stated running. Looked at the 'not a good time to cross' sign and decided to go anyway. There was a car sitting there and I thought the light had just turned but as I was running past the car that was slow to start another one was coming down the street. I didn't see it until it was too late and I was in front of him. He slammed on the brakes and I got hit. He didn't hit me hard enough to actually hurt me, but I did do a little flip and was thankfully able to land on my feet. I just kept running since I was going to be late. I yelled back to the guy that I was okay and told a girl that came to help me I was fine and just kept on running. I am sure I scared the driver and passenger of that car half to death. So far the only thing I noticed was a scratch on my arm where I hit the car, and not even a bruise on my bum/hip where I was also hit.
When I made it to the doctors office, she was running late, go figure. I told her about what had happened and she just looked at me with disbelief. When I told her I was serious, all she did was ask if I was okay. Some doctor. She didn't even want to make sure that I was physically okay. A little back story on her is that the last 2 times I saw her, she called me fat and wanted to offer me diet and fitness advice. This time was no different. She could only focus on the fact that I am not the typical body type that the 'French' prefer. I am shocked that she can be so callus and continue to tell me that I am overweight (I'm about 165lbs/75kg) even after I explained to her that I am mostly muscle and workout all the time, not to mention that I am happy (for the most part) with the way I am. Ugh. She drives me nuts. The only good thing about my Dr is that I don't have to see her again for 6 months and I will be moving back to the US around that time.
So, long story short, I got hit by a car and my Dr didn't really care.
It put a few things into perspective for me tho...
Anything can happen at anytime, good or bad.
30 is not a good year for me so far.
I am going to live each day as best as I can because it may be taken away at any time.
I am a lot more resilient than I had once thought.
Lots of love to you all.


I'm glad you're ok dear!
Also, glad you'll be moving back. Are you and T-Man coming back or just you? How's everything else going with the family? You can message me if you want.'re doctor should move to Stallis.