i forgot the good news! our evil HR director got fired last year the week of X-mas. normal MO for my company in reference to those they really dislike.
week before the one that just ended was good. got to hand out with darkrabbit the one night he had in socal. reunited with childhood friends after 4 year hiatus, one of which has moved to Vegas where Tues on was spent. last week was, hmmm.... chewed out dead beat co-workers for letting me down and re-did all the work done by an outside contractor, who was sub-contracted by the contractor hired by the teleco (Deutche Telecom) to switch us over from ATT. how some people make it in this world is beyond me. they probably make more too.....
last talk with boss has me in CT in May. reference breath holding in last entry. still on the road every week thus far this year with Vegas slated for the end of next week. this trip has an assignment from another idiot coworker that could result in dramatic failure. full tonnage test at a customers facility of new tooling under 70 tons doesn't strike me as the best of ideas. could be entertaining though....
week before the one that just ended was good. got to hand out with darkrabbit the one night he had in socal. reunited with childhood friends after 4 year hiatus, one of which has moved to Vegas where Tues on was spent. last week was, hmmm.... chewed out dead beat co-workers for letting me down and re-did all the work done by an outside contractor, who was sub-contracted by the contractor hired by the teleco (Deutche Telecom) to switch us over from ATT. how some people make it in this world is beyond me. they probably make more too.....
last talk with boss has me in CT in May. reference breath holding in last entry. still on the road every week thus far this year with Vegas slated for the end of next week. this trip has an assignment from another idiot coworker that could result in dramatic failure. full tonnage test at a customers facility of new tooling under 70 tons doesn't strike me as the best of ideas. could be entertaining though....
My idiot brother inlaw built a whole new addition on his house for my sisters twins that are expected to be born within the next week or less , and well he managed to forget about the electrical system , the insullation drywall and paint is all finished and he calls my father to try and get him to tell me to go over there and wire the addition for free
Draw bridges and moats are out of the question