wed night was great! nice meeting yall! hopefully my addled brain will retain everyones name someday....
wed night i felt great, thursday morning i woke up with a splitting headache and spent the rest of the morning and into the afternoon singing to the porcline god. i don't know if it was chemical mix from prior night, or growth on the back of my head (not cancer! just can't remember what it's called) acting up. of course it's probably certain chemical's making the growth actup. when it acts up it messes with a nerve which creates great misery. i'll have to name the growth, any suggestions?
i'm leaving, now, to go help a friend move. he's basically moving next door, out of the condo he sold to the condo he's going to rent. go figure. then a coworkers stag party tonight. sorry i won't be at shag frenzy.
wed night i felt great, thursday morning i woke up with a splitting headache and spent the rest of the morning and into the afternoon singing to the porcline god. i don't know if it was chemical mix from prior night, or growth on the back of my head (not cancer! just can't remember what it's called) acting up. of course it's probably certain chemical's making the growth actup. when it acts up it messes with a nerve which creates great misery. i'll have to name the growth, any suggestions?
i'm leaving, now, to go help a friend move. he's basically moving next door, out of the condo he sold to the condo he's going to rent. go figure. then a coworkers stag party tonight. sorry i won't be at shag frenzy.
hello again, it's sunday...go have fun dammit!

will you be attending this wednesdays insanity @ ECD's?