sorry I haven't been around. really i have no excuse. none-the-less, i have been keeping busy, working too much and on a health kick that goes hand-in-hand with my new martial arts hobby. working out up to 4 hours after up to 10 hours work makes for a tired jed. there was an amature competition scheduled for late the end of this year, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen. this sunday i will be returning to ct for 11 days to fill in for someone else and the weekend following was hoping to visit family in nh, but i hear there's a party, so maybe no fam. since i went gray briefly i no longer have fav sg's. how fitting. missy offered a great deal so i rejoined. to all who wrote in my abscence, thank you for your generosity and sorry that i'm a dick. happy holidays to all, and hope to see yall soon.
hey good to see ya stranger 

Aww you're from Clovis! I'll be moving back there in about a month.. Wanna show me around?