um.... is it cool to curtsey?
because evidently i think it is.....agh- i cant stop....
NERD central.............
im up and down- my emotions are on a rollercoaster ride........ ragh! fuck fuck fuck........
happy misa sad misa pissed off misa frozen misa
oh well fuck it!
it will all get better when this term is over.....i need a vacation!
fuck routines........ they will be the death of me....
i am supposed to do what i want not follow directions........
goodness- sounds like im in a pissy mood.... i'll be ok....
thankyou all for showin some lovin to johnnyflash.... but keep it up- you'll see...... its worth it- REALLY
hes da bomb
so- im off to start another day of drole stagnant shit that is forced upon me..... come on june 4th- then im free!!!!!!!!
and i can go to ptown to play with my new friends!!!!!
i love you all- kisses- misa jane
Talk to ya later, babe!