This short blog post goes out to all of you feeling rejected one way or another. Whether you are a member not being accepted as a 'hopeful,' or a 'hopeful,' not becoming a full fledged Suicide Girl, or even if you are just a regular person on here like myself whom has recently been rejected in a particular form.
I am here to tell you to eject that notion of feeling rejected and unwanted, because there is no reason for you to not feel special--to celebrate your creativity and what makes you special and unique.
Next time you don't get accepted into whatever it is that you are vying for, take a moment to reflect on how you will make positive changes, think of an alternative solution to turning the situation around, and aim to try again, and again, because eventually, you will succeed.
As with one of the famous lines from Batman Begins "Why do we fall?" "To pick ourselves up again."
Below are two of the many rejected tshirt designs I had created just a couple of months ago, both were in consideration, but did not make the cut. At first I was upset and devastated; however, with time I realize that there isn't anything wrong with the designs, just that it did not fit the needs of the companies I submitted to.
Next year, I will make slight changes to them and try again.
As we bring one year to a close within the next two weeks, there is time to reflect and move forward into the new year with a new positive outlook.
Time to pick yourself up again.
I'd like to wish everyone well during whatever your winter festival celebration of choice is, be it: Festivus, Yule, Christmas, Winter Solstice, Saturnalia, Hanukkah, Boxing Day, Pancha Ganapati, the Epiphany, Saint Nicholas's Day, Hogmanay, Twelfth Night, and Kwanzaa, and any or all that are not included in this list--I hope it's a good one for you and your family & friends.
Take care and remember to E J E C T that notion of rejection!
- NL