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I have been sooooo lazy with this account. Where do all of you find motivation to update your social media accounts.
I just have become so comfortable with not using this account. How do all of you get the motivation to post or update your social media.
Facebook is the only one I use these days. If you like horror, spooky things, and such feel...
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I have had a major setback in life and a loss of employment from my normal day job, and now I need to find a new source of income. I am hoping some of you could help me, are in need of my help, or know someone whom might be.
Do any of you need any graphic design, logo design, character design, comic book coloring
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A dear friend of our community here on SG has had a rough day.
@acrux and her roommate had their place or residence robbed and are seeking help. Her roommate put together a gofundme page for those willing to help out. If you cannot afford to, perhaps you can do as I have and share the link.
Thank you to those that are able to
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While I am looking for paid creative work first and foremost (see my other blog post), I do think I might try my hand at some quick pieces of fan-art this Friday and perhaps, every Friday.
If you want art of yourself, post a favorite photo of yourself here and any details you may want to include. Perhaps you are a anime fan, or have...
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Happy New Fear's day everyone! May 2016 be a great year for you. There may have been a lot of pain, anguish and heartbreak in 2015 for many of you, but you have over 350 days (with some leeway) to make things a good one for you.
If the image isn't showing you can view it on my Facebook page:
This short blog post goes out to all of you feeling rejected one way or another. Whether you are a member not being accepted as a 'hopeful,' or a 'hopeful,' not becoming a full fledged Suicide Girl, or even if you are just a regular person on here like myself whom has recently been rejected in a particular form.
I am here to tell you...
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