I'll keep this short but sweet. I HATE MY JOB!!!!! sometimes. It's just that most people took Monday off and left early today. At 4:00 the place was a ghost town and everything that had to get finished for the day was left half done. I was at work until 6:00 finishing up what the slackers left behind. I'm not the owner of the company or anything like that but sometimes I feel like it. I'm always the last to leave and always the first in the door. Oh well, just think happy thoughts right?
OMG where do you live?! I will seriously take one of those kittens if there's a way to do it, I want one so bad!!!!
I'm in north central Ohio about 10 minutes from the lake, probably no way to get one to you. I was just kidding about the fed ex thing I couldn't do that to an animal, though it can be done. Besides they arn't quite ready to be adopted yet, 2 are 5 weeks and the other 5 are only 4 weeks. They can't quite seem to get the idea of a litter box yet, two of them eat the cat litter but won't eat kitten food!
Sorry unless your willing to wait and spend some time driving you would probably be better off looking around your hometown. I better go as it is hard to type with them crawling all over me.