well havent I been a busy bee! it feels like college is never going to end this year!! oddly enough however, it will be over in a matter of weeks!!!!! AMAZING. (back in september to do my HND if i dont get into art school this year)
Start with some good news (for a change
) I won the college competition for designing the end of year show poster
Original on Deviant Art
the event is the showcase for my entire campus. its kind of a big deal
well in our world anyways. So that went to print tonight and will be up all around Dundee City within a few days hopefully
im very excited
I also found out today that I passed stage 2 of my graded unit (popup book brief) and now only stage 3 remains, the evaluation (500 word report) which is a doddle
so essentially i found out i passed my course today with a few loose ends to tie up 
I got my camera (Nixon D60) back last week and I havent had a chance to play with it yet as I have been preoccupied with finishing off college work. I also have these cameras to play with this summer

so this summer I will be doing my best to use my creativeness and develop my portfolio as much as possible!
my niece should be on her way into the world this week too! Im so excited to be an Uncle
I feel i have a lot of life experience to teach a youngster
I will be over in Germany to see her and my brother in June. That will be awesome.
This weekend I have my cousin's stag party (weekend) which will be messy! but ive had a stressful couple of months so im looking forward to letting my hair down and partying hard!!
Finally! My lil friend Mysteron has another set that just went live! I think you should go and check out it out as I feel its about time she went pink as she is teh sex!!
bai bai for now! and wish me luck!
Start with some good news (for a change


Original on Deviant Art
the event is the showcase for my entire campus. its kind of a big deal

I also found out today that I passed stage 2 of my graded unit (popup book brief) and now only stage 3 remains, the evaluation (500 word report) which is a doddle

I got my camera (Nixon D60) back last week and I havent had a chance to play with it yet as I have been preoccupied with finishing off college work. I also have these cameras to play with this summer

so this summer I will be doing my best to use my creativeness and develop my portfolio as much as possible!
my niece should be on her way into the world this week too! Im so excited to be an Uncle

This weekend I have my cousin's stag party (weekend) which will be messy! but ive had a stressful couple of months so im looking forward to letting my hair down and partying hard!!
Finally! My lil friend Mysteron has another set that just went live! I think you should go and check out it out as I feel its about time she went pink as she is teh sex!!

bai bai for now! and wish me luck!

I have to do friend exams now? jeez, are they restricting the requirements for me having friends now? 

thanks man! those cameras are amazziiingg!! and yay Nikon user!!!