well its now july? im shocked at how fast the year has flown in! and i know people throw that term around alot, but i truely am shocked! i swear i was rushing to finish my course work for the xmas break just last week? madness!! I have a funny feeling i will be saying the same thing when i graduate, "I only just started last week!" ahhh i do love being predictable.....
I;ve been working for Pizza Hut again for a few months now, and I dont regret it for a second! Granted, it is not the most enjoyable job on the planet, but I would love to find the job thats more fun! I seriously have so much fun every shift i work. yes, its hard work, yes, its not a doddle, but every day is worth it. it brings back a lot of happy memories
.....well thats enough nostalgia for now!
SGUK Scottish Meet Soon!!!
cant wait!! im gonna be able to do both days this year

im really excited about it as the last one was so much damn fun! Im trying to decide whether to whip out the kilt this year? I might see who is up for it.... hmmmmmmmm or some random fancy dress....... *strokes beard*
oooh!!!! speaking of beard!!!! Im really lovin my new stylings! i got a lot of stick about it, and still do - such is life, but i really like it

and hopefully as of sunday i;ll have dyed all the hair on my head bright motherfu*king purple! (cept my eye brows and lashes) which willl be interesting to say the least

so expect pics
i do fear being labelled the purple headed monster and such wit
I just sent away my SAAS form for this year, awaiting news on that.
should be ok? i had loads of hastle last time tho! so hopefully i can avoid all that this time round
So...er...hi. Guess the quick search thingey does work.