I have had it with people. Well, not all people, but some people. The ones who are so insistent on pushing their definition of 'good' and 'bad' art on us that they forget what the whole purpose of art is to begin with- pure, raw, extravagant human emotion made into something either visual, or musical, etc.
Of course I am talking about critics. In this case music critics, though in some ways all critics of art are at stake. And I know that we are all critics, but I specifically mean 'professional' critics, and certain individuals who seem to feel that what they say is the only real and valid opinion.
Now let me make things a bit more coherent here. I guess the best place for me to start is the, uh, beginning. That is where things usually start anyways. I woke up this morning, feeling kind of groggy as usual (actually my 'morning' is anytime after noon, but thats besides the point). Like every morning I got on the compy and checked my email and the replies to all the forums I belong to. I didn't really see anything too specatacular at first, until I went a Gothic forum and saw a link posted by a certain someone (who shall remain nameless) to a new website they created with reviews and such about Gothic culture (whatever then fuck the word 'Gothic' even means anyhow), including both pics of gothic models and a page dedicated to mocking people this person didn't like. The site didn't really have much on it, and was pretty boring, but I took a look anyways at the various contents. When I got to the little section, called the Style Police I believe, what I saw kind of disgusted me. It was a picture a Black Metal guy and some bits from his profile (most likely from MySpace), and underneath each statement was a criticism of what he said. He was a Metalhead, that was obvious, and must have had some Black Metal playing on his profile page. Now this is what really got to me. The site said some stuff about how he was guilty of "assaulting our ears with bad taste", and amongst all the other drivel insulting this poor kids lifestyle, seemed intent on throwing Extreme Metal into the garbage. This little bit woke me the fuck up like a swift kick in the balls. It angered me beyond belief, and throughout the day I just fumed and boiled in absolute hatred for this person for proclaiming their opinion in such a vile manner that they took a strangers profile and tore it to shreds, and to make what point? That Black Metal, or all forms of Extreme Music, are utter crap and better left in the garbage. The people who like them are sick, twisted, and childish. And of course, we have all heard how lacking they are in intelligence.
So after I went to work, I met up with my friend Goat (who is responsible for getting me into this music, I mean noise, in the first place) and told him my story. He didn't seem to like the idea much either, but I don't think he was quite as offended as I was by this site. I later went on to tell some of my other co-workers, though I don't think any of them really cared or even understood what I was talking about. But venting to them didn't do me any good. I realized that I needed to come home tonight and write up not only a rant, but a defense of sorts for Death and Black Metal. It's the only I way I knew I could feel better.
So lets examine the core of the problem here. Is Death/Black Metal music? Well, what is music anyways? Merriam Websters Dictionary says- music
Pronunciation: 'my-zik
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English musik, from Old French musique, from Latin musica, from Greek mousikE any art presided over by the Muses, especially music, from feminine of mousikos of the Muses, from Mousa Muse
1 a : the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity b : vocal, instrumental, or mechanical sounds having rhythm, melody, or harmony
2 a : an agreeable sound : EUPHONY <her voice was music to my ears> b : musical quality <the music of verse>
By this definition, music needs primarily order, composition, and a flow to be considered music. Death Metal has all of these things, so does Black Metal, so does Hardcore, and so does Rap (the other 'not real music' style of music). But they still have so many naysayers proclaiming how they are not real music and don't follow music theory. Well, I'm sorry to tell them that Death Metal does follow music theory, only it does so on its own terms. The guitars are tuned lower, the vocals are distorted, and the tempo is sped up, but thats really all that makes this style of music different from, say Classic Rock or Country. They still have unity, they still have structure, and they still have continuity in what they are doing. Gasp, Death Metal is music after all! So other styles I mentioned. (I honestly can't say much for Rap, I never cared for that kind of music. But I can say good things even about stuff I dislike.)
OK, so its music, but in their eyes its "crappy music". Well, thats fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions of course, and we wouldn't want it any other way. I have a friend that is constantly bashing my music, but when he goes and puts on NSYNC I turn the tables right back on him, heh. Thats all fun and such, but when someone, like a critic on some website, says that this is bad music and deserves one star, and this is good music and deserves five stars, and thats that, then I am going to have to say "I don't think so" and possibly threaten their life with a pick axe. When they go even further and insult the people who listen to and cherish this music, then I have every right to back us Metalheads up.
Now why exactly is "clean singing" so much better than the screeching and growling that Extreme Metal bands do so well? We've all heard this one before. How its "not singing" and "talentless". In most cases, this isn't true. I decided to test my little theory out, and I took some Death and Black Metal songs and 'translated' the vocals to a clean style of singing. I sung them myself with no growls, but with the same low pitch. And guess what? I was singing them, plain and simple. They even sounded kind of cool. Imagine Suffocation songs sung without the growls? Or Dani Filth belting out tunes with no screams, just a natural high octave. Its not as cool sounding, but its singing nonetheless. So these people aren't just growling or screaming, they are growling and screaming while singing. Make sense? Hope so.
What about that ultra fast tempo? Well, thats just a matter of taste really. Goat actually told me he hates constant blast beats, but I love 'em. Just gotta be in that mood, really.
And then we have the "Metal is lacking in intelligence" accusation. Does that explain why Decapitated has lyrics that deal with the fact that humans need the conflict of war in some guise or another in order to exist? How about Kreator and their observations on the wretched state of mainstream society? What about when Quorthon sang oh so passionately about the fall of the North to upstart Christianity in "One Rode to Asa Bay"? How about Emperor's sweeping majestic take on rising to the power that is so rightuflly theirs? And Zyklon speaking about the arrogance of humans dictating the fate of the natural enviroment in "Core Solution". Dave Mustaine has long hated the state of polictics in the US and in 2004 announced that "The System has Failed". Metallica let us know the absolute horror of War with "One" (based on the book Johnny get your gun......yes, Metalheads read more than D&D books). Cradle of Filth knows how to entertain us and drop references to classic literature such as Milton and Lovecraft. Suffocation tells us that even the most normal of people have the ability to kill, and may even enjoy it more than they will admit. Karl Sanders from Nile seems pretty adamant on letting us know how much worse life was for certain Egyptians. Aliens may be among us as well, or at least Hypocisy thinks so. The guys in Immolation don't like Christianity, but they can give us specific reasons why in their songs. Iron Maiden has told us all about everything from the Cree Indians to Alexander the Great to the exploits of Conan the Barbarian over the years they have been in existence. Burzum tells us that wisdom is never truly lost to those who seek it with a brave heart. Therion spoke to us of the beauty and intricate nature of the Norse runic system and what they can mean to us. The occult works of Crowley and his disciples is noticable in the work of Behemoth, whcih may mean their is more to reality than what we see with our eyes. And finally Obituary has informed us that we are rotting, quite slowly, but surely. So live for now, not tomorrow.
Does the bulk of this sound like the work of stupid, dimwitted greaseballs with low intelligence? If so, then we may have to redefine intelligence. ( Main Entry: intelligence
Pronunciation: in-'te-l&-j&n(t)s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin intelligentia, from intelligent-, intelligens intelligent
1 a (1) : the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations : REASON; also : the skilled use of reason (2) : the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (as tests)
And of course I have to get down to the last thing I wanna blabber on about- the Metal stereotype. Its a funny one: we're all greasy, long haired, alcoholic, potsmoking, violent, Satanic, dimwitted, social outcasts with no future. Beavis and Butthead? Maybe some Metalheads are, but the ones I have met are the opposite. Sure, many drink and smoke, but not all are "losers". I know of many who have high paying jobs, pricey houses, wives, and even *gasp* children. And they are even excellent parents, believe it or not. I don't fit that stereotype all that much with the exception of the violence part, but everybody gets pissed every now and then. Doesn't mean I am gonna go kill somebody just cause of the Metal. Just means like all humans I get angry. So why perpetaute this sterotype any further? Why not look at the person, judge them on their own merits, and not what music they choose to listen to. If people did this, they may find that the Metalheads are very polite. The venues I go to are small, so you get bumped into a lot. And even then the biggest, meanest guy will apoligize to you. When I looked into moshpit some time ago, I saw a heavyset black kid fall over hard. Next to him where some of the angriest looking skinhead guys I had ever seen. One of them helped the boy up, gave him a hug, and then continued on with the moshing. It was beautiful. The evil looking people where the truly nice ones, then you go out somewhere later after the show to get a drink, and the people you see starting trouble and picking fights are perfectly normal GQ looking guys with expensive cars and designer clothes. Whats wrong with this pciture? Whose the real bad guy? Not all 'normal looking' guys are bad people, and not all Metalheads are polite I'm sure. My point is that people need to judge others not on their musical taste or lifestyle, but whether they help other people up off the ground when its neccesary.
OK, I am really damn tired, and I am sure I bored you all with this horribly written and most likely pointless rant. I just needed to get that off my back. I am fucking sick of Metalheads getting this sort of negative treatment, and the music being written off as something juvenile.
UP THE IRONS!!! KILL 'EM ALL!!! ARE YOU MORBID?!! ONLY DEATH IS REAL!!! *insert goofy fun Metal phrase here*
I have had it with people. Well, not all people, but some people. The ones who are so insistent on pushing their definition of 'good' and 'bad' art on us that they forget what the whole purpose of art is to begin with- pure, raw, extravagant human emotion made into something either visual, or musical, etc.
Of course I am talking about critics. In this case music critics, though in some ways all critics of art are at stake. And I know that we are all critics, but I specifically mean 'professional' critics, and certain individuals who seem to feel that what they say is the only real and valid opinion.
Now let me make things a bit more coherent here. I guess the best place for me to start is the, uh, beginning. That is where things usually start anyways. I woke up this morning, feeling kind of groggy as usual (actually my 'morning' is anytime after noon, but thats besides the point). Like every morning I got on the compy and checked my email and the replies to all the forums I belong to. I didn't really see anything too specatacular at first, until I went a Gothic forum and saw a link posted by a certain someone (who shall remain nameless) to a new website they created with reviews and such about Gothic culture (whatever then fuck the word 'Gothic' even means anyhow), including both pics of gothic models and a page dedicated to mocking people this person didn't like. The site didn't really have much on it, and was pretty boring, but I took a look anyways at the various contents. When I got to the little section, called the Style Police I believe, what I saw kind of disgusted me. It was a picture a Black Metal guy and some bits from his profile (most likely from MySpace), and underneath each statement was a criticism of what he said. He was a Metalhead, that was obvious, and must have had some Black Metal playing on his profile page. Now this is what really got to me. The site said some stuff about how he was guilty of "assaulting our ears with bad taste", and amongst all the other drivel insulting this poor kids lifestyle, seemed intent on throwing Extreme Metal into the garbage. This little bit woke me the fuck up like a swift kick in the balls. It angered me beyond belief, and throughout the day I just fumed and boiled in absolute hatred for this person for proclaiming their opinion in such a vile manner that they took a strangers profile and tore it to shreds, and to make what point? That Black Metal, or all forms of Extreme Music, are utter crap and better left in the garbage. The people who like them are sick, twisted, and childish. And of course, we have all heard how lacking they are in intelligence.
So after I went to work, I met up with my friend Goat (who is responsible for getting me into this music, I mean noise, in the first place) and told him my story. He didn't seem to like the idea much either, but I don't think he was quite as offended as I was by this site. I later went on to tell some of my other co-workers, though I don't think any of them really cared or even understood what I was talking about. But venting to them didn't do me any good. I realized that I needed to come home tonight and write up not only a rant, but a defense of sorts for Death and Black Metal. It's the only I way I knew I could feel better.
So lets examine the core of the problem here. Is Death/Black Metal music? Well, what is music anyways? Merriam Websters Dictionary says- music
Pronunciation: 'my-zik
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English musik, from Old French musique, from Latin musica, from Greek mousikE any art presided over by the Muses, especially music, from feminine of mousikos of the Muses, from Mousa Muse
1 a : the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity b : vocal, instrumental, or mechanical sounds having rhythm, melody, or harmony
2 a : an agreeable sound : EUPHONY <her voice was music to my ears> b : musical quality <the music of verse>
By this definition, music needs primarily order, composition, and a flow to be considered music. Death Metal has all of these things, so does Black Metal, so does Hardcore, and so does Rap (the other 'not real music' style of music). But they still have so many naysayers proclaiming how they are not real music and don't follow music theory. Well, I'm sorry to tell them that Death Metal does follow music theory, only it does so on its own terms. The guitars are tuned lower, the vocals are distorted, and the tempo is sped up, but thats really all that makes this style of music different from, say Classic Rock or Country. They still have unity, they still have structure, and they still have continuity in what they are doing. Gasp, Death Metal is music after all! So other styles I mentioned. (I honestly can't say much for Rap, I never cared for that kind of music. But I can say good things even about stuff I dislike.)
OK, so its music, but in their eyes its "crappy music". Well, thats fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions of course, and we wouldn't want it any other way. I have a friend that is constantly bashing my music, but when he goes and puts on NSYNC I turn the tables right back on him, heh. Thats all fun and such, but when someone, like a critic on some website, says that this is bad music and deserves one star, and this is good music and deserves five stars, and thats that, then I am going to have to say "I don't think so" and possibly threaten their life with a pick axe. When they go even further and insult the people who listen to and cherish this music, then I have every right to back us Metalheads up.
Now why exactly is "clean singing" so much better than the screeching and growling that Extreme Metal bands do so well? We've all heard this one before. How its "not singing" and "talentless". In most cases, this isn't true. I decided to test my little theory out, and I took some Death and Black Metal songs and 'translated' the vocals to a clean style of singing. I sung them myself with no growls, but with the same low pitch. And guess what? I was singing them, plain and simple. They even sounded kind of cool. Imagine Suffocation songs sung without the growls? Or Dani Filth belting out tunes with no screams, just a natural high octave. Its not as cool sounding, but its singing nonetheless. So these people aren't just growling or screaming, they are growling and screaming while singing. Make sense? Hope so.
What about that ultra fast tempo? Well, thats just a matter of taste really. Goat actually told me he hates constant blast beats, but I love 'em. Just gotta be in that mood, really.
And then we have the "Metal is lacking in intelligence" accusation. Does that explain why Decapitated has lyrics that deal with the fact that humans need the conflict of war in some guise or another in order to exist? How about Kreator and their observations on the wretched state of mainstream society? What about when Quorthon sang oh so passionately about the fall of the North to upstart Christianity in "One Rode to Asa Bay"? How about Emperor's sweeping majestic take on rising to the power that is so rightuflly theirs? And Zyklon speaking about the arrogance of humans dictating the fate of the natural enviroment in "Core Solution". Dave Mustaine has long hated the state of polictics in the US and in 2004 announced that "The System has Failed". Metallica let us know the absolute horror of War with "One" (based on the book Johnny get your gun......yes, Metalheads read more than D&D books). Cradle of Filth knows how to entertain us and drop references to classic literature such as Milton and Lovecraft. Suffocation tells us that even the most normal of people have the ability to kill, and may even enjoy it more than they will admit. Karl Sanders from Nile seems pretty adamant on letting us know how much worse life was for certain Egyptians. Aliens may be among us as well, or at least Hypocisy thinks so. The guys in Immolation don't like Christianity, but they can give us specific reasons why in their songs. Iron Maiden has told us all about everything from the Cree Indians to Alexander the Great to the exploits of Conan the Barbarian over the years they have been in existence. Burzum tells us that wisdom is never truly lost to those who seek it with a brave heart. Therion spoke to us of the beauty and intricate nature of the Norse runic system and what they can mean to us. The occult works of Crowley and his disciples is noticable in the work of Behemoth, whcih may mean their is more to reality than what we see with our eyes. And finally Obituary has informed us that we are rotting, quite slowly, but surely. So live for now, not tomorrow.
Does the bulk of this sound like the work of stupid, dimwitted greaseballs with low intelligence? If so, then we may have to redefine intelligence. ( Main Entry: intelligence
Pronunciation: in-'te-l&-j&n(t)s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin intelligentia, from intelligent-, intelligens intelligent
1 a (1) : the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations : REASON; also : the skilled use of reason (2) : the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (as tests)
And of course I have to get down to the last thing I wanna blabber on about- the Metal stereotype. Its a funny one: we're all greasy, long haired, alcoholic, potsmoking, violent, Satanic, dimwitted, social outcasts with no future. Beavis and Butthead? Maybe some Metalheads are, but the ones I have met are the opposite. Sure, many drink and smoke, but not all are "losers". I know of many who have high paying jobs, pricey houses, wives, and even *gasp* children. And they are even excellent parents, believe it or not. I don't fit that stereotype all that much with the exception of the violence part, but everybody gets pissed every now and then. Doesn't mean I am gonna go kill somebody just cause of the Metal. Just means like all humans I get angry. So why perpetaute this sterotype any further? Why not look at the person, judge them on their own merits, and not what music they choose to listen to. If people did this, they may find that the Metalheads are very polite. The venues I go to are small, so you get bumped into a lot. And even then the biggest, meanest guy will apoligize to you. When I looked into moshpit some time ago, I saw a heavyset black kid fall over hard. Next to him where some of the angriest looking skinhead guys I had ever seen. One of them helped the boy up, gave him a hug, and then continued on with the moshing. It was beautiful. The evil looking people where the truly nice ones, then you go out somewhere later after the show to get a drink, and the people you see starting trouble and picking fights are perfectly normal GQ looking guys with expensive cars and designer clothes. Whats wrong with this pciture? Whose the real bad guy? Not all 'normal looking' guys are bad people, and not all Metalheads are polite I'm sure. My point is that people need to judge others not on their musical taste or lifestyle, but whether they help other people up off the ground when its neccesary.
OK, I am really damn tired, and I am sure I bored you all with this horribly written and most likely pointless rant. I just needed to get that off my back. I am fucking sick of Metalheads getting this sort of negative treatment, and the music being written off as something juvenile.
UP THE IRONS!!! KILL 'EM ALL!!! ARE YOU MORBID?!! ONLY DEATH IS REAL!!! *insert goofy fun Metal phrase here*

That guy (who was ripping on the metalhead) sounds like a dumbass. Metalheads are the best! And know all sorts of intelligent metalheads (for instance, my husband, who is getting his YALE, as is our good friend, also a metalhead...also PhD at Yale...and I am sure that there are many many others).
I would say more but have to go to a metalhead librarian at Yale!
metal rules, if anything, I have only become more intelligent as a result of listening to it!!!!!