Oh, for gods sake, i'll update my journal!.... Um.. started a new position at my work. Busy busy. My new girlfriend is absorbing alot of my time. Busy busy. And I move out to my new apartment friday! Woot.. and Busy busy. but I still have time to check out my SG's new posts! ooh, look, new faces.. ooo aaa ARRR!!! EL SUICIDO LOCO blush
I recommend you look at my profile and watch all the movies I recommend... I still have yet to check out Vanilla Sky...got to get on that.
Damn NecROgue you are busy! Enjoy *cheers*
So.. antibiotics are fun... in oh.. so many different ways... puke
i'd type something witty and entertaining, but nobody reads this shit anyway. lol.
.lol.anyway shit this reads nobody but , entertaining and witty something type i'd p.s. I did ^_^
*yay* Finally someone who understands me! I made a new friend! That was kewl! Ciao For Now NecROgue ^_^
Alright... (scratch scratch) so I shaved today.. (itch)and not just my face... (scratch) I shaved it all down there...(itch itch)and even though, (scratch)it's very clean, and nice, in a way... and I am already wondering if I will regret this ...(scratch scratch)
Happy un-birthday.
true, a slight curl to the hair would be something different for me, but I'd have to change my eye color! I'd love a really deep blue or even a light blue eye color.
so I've found a roomate, and I'm getting a new apartment. woot! All SG's are invited to the orgies btw.
its gone.....

skull skull blackeyed skull skull