I gots a dillemna...of sorts. See there's this chick I like, and I can't seem to find the testicular fortitude to just ask her out. Now the suggestions from my co-workers are to just go ahead and do it, but that's seems harder than it sounds. At least for me it is, because I've know this girl for the past nine years. We've been great...
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Thanks for your comment and support in my new set Love-Life
Boredom takes over as the drugs kick in
Staring at the wall and wishing I were there
Not alone, not wanting, not scared
To hold you in a sweet embrace
To kiss your cheek, just feel your face
Thinking thoughts just seems a waste
When all I do is take up space
You'll never know what I mean
For you'll never hear the words
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Yesterday was a pretty fantastic day.

I went and saw Clash of the Titans, and it was FUCKING EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I thought it was at least. It met all my expectations. Sam Worthington is my new favorite action star. Seeing as how he was the human terminator in Terminator; Salvation and the hero of Avatar. Which if you haven't seen Avatar, please do it is...
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thanks for the love on my new cello bella set in MR wink
thanks. i don't feel like a hipster!
Just got done watching the SuicideGirls Guide to Living. It's pretty damn cool. Some of it was funny and for the most part it was pretty informative. I personally enjoyed the How do I roll a joint. Kiefer is so damn hot and seeing those other hotties helping roll the joint while stripping at the same time was kick ass.

I'm about to try something...
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ugh I still havent seen the whole movie yet! Just the bits and pieces they've posted here.
*le sigh*
hope you loved it.
yeah i went ahead and downloaded it. not a bad deal for $5.
Back at work for only four days. That is just fantastic. Then this friday is a momentously epic occasion, CLASH OF THE TITANS!!!!!! I'm so excited for this movie. I loved the original and have been wondering when they were going to come out with a remake. To top it all, it's in 3D. Awesome!!!! Anyways, peace out.
thank you for your comment on my set "Let love Be"kisskisskiss
A couple of hours before I have to be at work.
About to go into preparation mode.
Got on you tube and found my favorite poledance video.
Miss Pole Dance Australia - Felix

And this video, which is hilarious.
What happens to a man when he no longer gives a fuck? He starts feeling better about himself and the life he leads. I have finally embraced this idea. The idea of just being yourself without having to worry about what anyone thinks of you. I'm 26 years old for fuck's sake. Why should I give a damn about what people think? I mean if...
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Happy St. Patrick's Day! I wish it was friday and I was off work. That would make today so much better. Then I could get drunk. I honestly have not been drunk since New Year's Eve. Hell, I've just been a hermit since then. No one seems to wanna call me to hangout, so I don't call anyone anymore. Anywho, time to start getting ready...
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Thank you for your comment on my set!blushkiss
Pretty excited to see a band that has actually performed in my shitty little town on Headbanger's Ball. They're called Straight Line Stitch. They're badass I think. Check them out. This isn't the video i wanted but it's still good. Enjoy.
Not exactly thrilled about this work week.
I get to operate the machine I work at.
After only three days of training.
Sounds like fun huh?
Wow what a day. Let's see, how should I begin. I slept on and off until 3pm. Then I got up and have been watching a star wars marathon. Picked up an early copy of NINJA ASSASSIN!!!! I saw that movie in theaters and let's just say, best ninja movie ever. Just enough over the top to be amazing and not ridiculous. Let's see, what...
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that video's great :] gotta love anything representing a clockwork orange.